14th February

41 19 15

For someone, today is a special day as valentine's day
For someone, today is a dark day as black day
And for me , it's muddled.

I have a lot of patriotism and feeling really sad for my 40 CRPF officers who lost their life
I really feel worried about their families who are left behind and are struggling every second from this world 😖
But I think that they are the most luckiest one who get Indian tricolour as their coffin
No money , no wealth, no respect, no power can get you indian tricolour unless you have the courage to die for India. ♥️
So why did I said I was feeling sad ?
Because every soldier wants to prove their blood, show their love for their motherland and sacrifice everything for their country
I quote to Sam bahadur --
If death strikes me before I prove my blood, I promise I will kill death.
Our soldiers were killed from behind , they didn't get any chance to fight and kill their enemies
But it's true that their enemies have no courage to face Indian soldiers.
This is the only thing that hurts me and maybe our Martyn soldiers too.

Coming back to valentine's day , so I want to tell you that I don't celebrate it 😂
I have no one to celebrate it with 😂
I am single 🤣
But this doesn't mean I don't love
This just means I didn't meet that one whom I love.
Sometimes, I wish someone would love me and sometimes I want no one to love me.
It's not like anyone doesn't like me...
I am the charm of everyone's eyes.
I do get a lot and lot of appreciations daily. I know that a lot of boys like me a lot.
But it's about just like , I want someone to love me
I have heard many times that a boy wants just a girl and a girl wants bank balance, status and alpha qualities in a man. But if I say honestly, I just want a man who loves me
I don't want his wealth , I will earn it myself
I don't want his status, I will earn it myself
I don't want anything from him except love and respect.
For me , neither bank balance matters nor anything else , I just want a man who has a good soul and loves me
I agree that look matters for me
But not at that height that I neglect the individual's inner personality.

At present, I know who likes me and who doesn't
For someone, I think he doesn't deserve me
For someone, I think I don't deserve him
I am in search of whom I am perfect 😉
I am the one who isn't in love but cries a lot when I watch an emotional scene of love in a movie.
I am the one who thinks herself cruel at the level best but finds herself soft as soft as cloud.
Sometimes, I don't understand myself
Sometimes, I don't want to understand myself
But it's fine 😊 Until and unless I have courage to smile
It's really hard to keep smiling
I also realised a harsh reality today and that is
I am becoming more fake day by day
As much as tears are filled inside as much as I laugh more outside
Don't know if I am being mature or being silly
Can't say

My dear friends, let me know How was your Valentine's Day this time? Did you meet your valentine?
Secondly, what are your ideas on love ?
I hope you all are happy and enjoying your life with a smile on your cute face❤️❣️💞

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