Friend or teacher ❣️

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I have always heard a quote that ---
A friend wants you to grow but never more than that.
But in life , it's not true or I can say it's not appropriate.
Nikita is one who not only wants me to grow but also helps me to grow.
She is my close friend 💕 and my maths teacher.
I am weak in maths (not much but yes, I am).
For me , maths is rocket science but because of her , it's quite easy for me .
She is the one who takes all my doubts, clears all my queries and makes my concept crystal clear.

Nikita is a beautiful girl. Her fair color , bright eyes , small nose , pink lips, pretty smile and slim body make her outer self beautiful and her kindness , selfless nature , and pure intentions reflect her inner beauty.
For me , she is one of the most gorgeous girls.

One thing, Nikita repeats that she doesn't know how to placate an angry person but the real thing is that an angry person forgets her point of view , they just think that what they are doing is right to the limit that Nikita stops herself to go to them and placate them.

The only flaw in Nikita is that she doesn't know what and where to speak 🗣️ and because of this , she often falls in problems

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The only flaw in Nikita is that she doesn't know what and where to speak 🗣️ and because of this , she often falls in problems. I never said this to Nikita because in my opinion, this will change Nikita what she actually is. The reason for our friendship was outspoken nature and I really love that.
Here, I accepted that I love her flaw🤣

Friends circle of Nikita and I is completely different.
Her friends literally hate me and this is what the most funniest thing for me
They criticise me a lot and Nikita sometimes defends me and be their point of attack. They taunt her : "oh , no one will say for her best friend"
" She becomes more important than all of us within an year"
"Our childhood friendship doesn't matter in front of her 1 year friendship"
" She is her first priority, how can she hear anything wrong? "
And after this Nikita becomes silent as she never learnt to speak.
And later , she criticise me and tell all this to me 🤣

She is the one who appreciates me but I never feel appreciated.
One day, she said to me," you laugh a lot like a laughing stock "
Me : " 😑 "
She : " I appreciated you , you should thank me "
Me : " 😳 seriously? "
She : " of course"
Me : "oh , thankyou "

Dear friends 💕
Some friends are maybe not your best friend or you don't have years of friendship, but they are always close to our heart. They captured a soft corner in your heart for which they are irreplaceable 🥰
Be grateful for those friends 💓
They will make stairs for success and carry you with them ❤️

Your thinking should be my dear friends :
Maybe I have a small garden
But flowers are all rose
I have a small friend circle
But for me , my friends are 24 carrot gold

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