Thankyou my Wattpad family

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Whenever I am asked to define myself, the word I mostly say, "Eccedentesiast"
This means one who hides pain .
To express what I actually want to say is really rocket science for me and as you know , I am arts student....
How can I handle science ? (Kidding honestly )

Here on Wattpad, I actually found a new family -- my third family and the closest one.
Before coming on Wattpad, I was tensed like how will I write or how will I express myself ?
But after coming here and meeting such nice people, I am able to express myself to some extent.
I am delighted, honestly.

I have always gotten advice --never trust people on social networking sites. They always show their beautiful side but never the actual one which is worse than the expectations.
However, after I met my Wattpad friends I want to forget this advice.
I forgot this advice.
I trust my Wattpad friends equally to my day to day friends.
My Wattpad family not only tries their best to understand me but also tries their level best to console me whenever I am upset.
Their every single effort means the world to me 💗

Here are 2 questions and answers from our conversation ---

       (               NOTE :


Question 1
Which is the one thing I should be proud of but I am not ?

Answers -_-
Anshika YchocoBunn
  * Book smart

  * Voice
Aechan369 has a sweet and unique voice
You usually ignores appreciations regarding her voice

  * Good speaker
Aechan369 has a captivating voice and because of your way of speaking, speech becomes alive .

Anna _QueenAnnabeth18
   * The way aechan369 still loves and cares for people who broke your heart , no matter how much they hurt you, you always wish their best --  at least I think you should be proud of this personality factor because many people would have literally curse the person who hurts them

   * You should be truly proud of how pure your heart is , how deeply you love and how you only want to see the good in people

   * Honestly, I love Aechan369 personality. You make me smile every time we talk.

  * You are a strong girl and you can express your emotions strongly

  * Your empathy, Aechan369 has a gift with connecting people and sometimes you view it as more of a negative flaw than you do positive.

Anya AnyaISPsychic
  * I think you should be proud of your creativity.

    *Be proud of your writing and stories. Everyone has faults but we learn from them. If you keep going, it is going to be amazing and everyone will feel talented. You are already 💗💗

     *Your smile and charming eyes
            - make me fall for you -

   *Your kind and positive nature.
You have the courage to forgive which is surprising and appreciable.

Question 2
Which is the one mistake I will surely make in my life ?

Answers -_-
Anshika YchocoBunn
    * I honestly don't know. Life is always unexpected and full of surprises. No one knows what the future may hold for us. So I don't know what mistakes you'll make in your life, but what I wanna tell you is that I'll be standing with you whenever you're facing any problems. I'll try my hardest best to help you (Aechan369) and reach you a solution
                  (Me :🫂🥺💗🫂)

   * Self centred

   * your poor intuitions about people will deceive you.
Aechan369 , you should judge people. You should try your best to know their actual intentions.
Secondly, don't trust everyone. Not everyone knows how to maintain trust.

Anna _QueenAnnabeth18
   *Trusting wrong people
Everyone does that mistake not only once but countless times.

   *Doubting yourself
Remember, you should never doubt yourself.

   *You will trust fake people and lose your loved ones.

   *I think you could end up trusting the wrong person at some point down the road.

    *You'll shoplift in a mall and have your face plastered all over the stories as a shoplifter.

   *It's impossible to predict with certainty what mistakes you will make in your life, as it depends on various factors such as circumstances, choices, and personal growth. However, making mistakes is a natural part of being human and can often lead to valuable lessons and growth opportunities.

  *over confidence will sink you down.

  * Trusting everyone is the mistake you are doing
In future, I think one mistake that you will surely do is to trust no one. Even the one who deserves to be trusted.
I think so because past decides are present.

My dear friends....
Hope , this is the best thank you I can present to my Wattpad friends or I can call my Wattpad family.
Stay connected everyone 💕
Secondly, please don't break my trust to the extent it is possible🫂.
Stay connected everyone ❤️

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