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Hey , you can call me Aarushi as meaning of my name and this name is same which is light. Light that take one from darkness to brightness, one from stubborn to docile, one from cruelty to kindness, one from stupidity to wisdom, one from rude to polite, one from hate to love , one from sufferings to peace, one from betray to trust , one from hell to heaven.♥️
My name has one more meaning that is heart .❤️

We are 7 members living under a same roof but all are different like five fingers in a hand.
Members are my grandparents, parents, elder sister , younger brother and me.

I am 16 years old now and I nearly passed my 11th standard. My subjects are English, Hindi, Maths, Political science, Geography and music.
One interesting thing here is that 11th and 12th arts students sit together in a same class.

I am very close to a few persons who are my elder sister(the most), my best friend(best one), my benchmate(♥️), my mom(No words for her appreciation), my dad(He is awesome)....

One good thing in my opinion in me is that I made relations from my whole heart and try my best to give my best in that relation.
I never made that for timepass or something.

One bad thing in me is that I can't break any relationship that I made in past even when I realised that his/her priorities are changed or even they don't want to see me

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One bad thing in me is that I can't break any relationship that I made in past even when I realised that his/her priorities are changed or even they don't want to see me.
I can stop talking to them for some time but when I realise that he/she needs me, I can't stop myself for being available for them....

One interesting thing about me is that I can say that like I will make him/her Cry for what they had done with me or like I will make sure to ruin their life or like I will take a better revenge or something or even I can cry a lot and lot for that matter, but after sometime I leave all those thoughts and be normal again like nothing happened...

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