Another LETTER 💌

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I just checked my bag and I found a letter dated 26TH FEBRUARY 2024
and that is as follows ---

Life will never remain the same. Maybe you will change , maybe I will change but one thing that is eternal about me is I am your forever. I don't know how life will turn , for how much time I will survive but before I die , I want to complete a few dreams.
First and foremost is I want to say to the whole world that I am you dear , just your.
Listen my dear , after meeting you , I realised that I survive for you. I felt lost everytime I look into your eyes. My heart stops beating when you smile. The lines around your eyes is more fascinating than rainbow for a little child. Your hair when it falls on your cheeks is like clouds hiding the moon from me . You stole my heart from me like a honeybee collects honey. I didn't even realise When Why How Where you stole Me from Me. I started caring for you more than me . I started feeling insecure which is completely new feeling for me.
My friends always appreciate you. Some your eyes , some your smile , some your nature , some your smooth slim body and I feel astonished How can someone be so gorgeous completely? My heart pumps faster when you look at me and stops beating when you cry. You often say that your eyes fill with tears easily but do you know this makes me stop breathing. I don't know if you received my last letter or not but now I can't stop writing.
Not in hope that you will write back one day but in hope , at least in hard times , in times of self doubt you can remember these and smile
I still remember when you said," I love myself a lot but I do hate myself for my tears because my tears are my own but leaves me alone or move far from me when I am broken💔 "
At that moment, I want to hug you and say ," it's okay. I will be with you forever.". But I wasn't able to approach you at that time. Your hundreds of friends have surrounded you. At last , I have a quote for you ---
Everything can be attained through prayers
Now tell me dear , will you meet me or should I ask God ?

By ~

I literally have no idea how someone can love me to this extent ❣️
I am honestly not so good to be loved by someone at such a height ❤️
My mind is stormed by overthinking
I just don't understand why ?
Why is my name in his prayers when it's not even in his contact list ?
Why he loves me when I don't ?
Why he cares for me when I don't ?
Why does he love me unconditionally?
Why me ? 😖
I really don't want that someone is hurt because of me
In my opinion,
Love is a way that is full of thorns
No one can come without blisters on feet
I don't want to go that way but don't know why I am losing my control over myself
I can't go that way when I don't even know his name
I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different
How brave he is !
How coward I am !

Dear friends 💖,
I wish you all have someone like him who loves you selflessly and you love him back
You live a life full of love together
One More thing, If I want to write a letter back to him , suggest a line to me that I should definitely write?
Waiting to read all your comments ❤️❤️

Ink And Reflections : MY STORY Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ