After talking with Emily I sign me and Tony up to the courses and email him the confirmation. I then look at some equipment for the competition course again emailing them to Tony. Not long after I send that email there is a knock on the door so I answer "is this how it is now you only communicate with me via email?" "No I'm just busy so sending the stuff to you is easier" I sit back down on my chair facing the computer opening my next email. "Is that new designs for the clothing?" "It is yeah" "so when are you going to let me buy into the clothing?" "What?" "Well you brought me into the gym and the clothing is part of the gym" "no the clothes is not part of the gym but no the clothing is my brand my designs" "so your not going to let me in on the clothing?" "Ermm no that's mine" "is this how things are going to be now? Are things going to be awkward?" "Hmm" I open the new design which confirms the release date for the new vests, tops and hoodies "ahahahaha yessss get in! Sorry what were you saying?" "That sounded exciting what was that about?" "The new design release date, so what were you saying?" "I was saying are things going to be awkward between us now?" "No why would they?" "Well because of what I told you" "look Tony don't get me wrong you are a very handsome man but I am a gay woman who is madly in love and getting married to the woman who is the mother of my son, nothing would ever happen between us I'm sorry but it wouldn't I have nothing to accept but you do" "Chris I know nothing will happen between I just don't want anything to change between us" "as long as you don't make things weird then it won't" "ok then do you want a lift home?" "Fuck it why not."

I arrive home and just as I'm getting out of the car the front door opens and Xander comes running towards me "mummy you home" I pick Xander up throwing him in the air "hi baby boy I missed you today" "I miss you" Leah comes over kissing me "hi baby" "hi my love" "are you coming in Tony?" "If that's alright" "of course it is" "right handsome I need to get my bags out of the car" "ok mummy." I go and get my bags out of the car "ermmm what's that?" "What?" "The next bag?" "Oh I saw these and thought I would get them for Xander for when we go on holiday" "we go on a neroplane mummy make me a neroplane" "okie doke mama can you take the bags please?" "I can certainly do that."
Leah takes the bags and I pick Xander up and fly him around causing him to laugh "mama me a plane" "you really are, Tony I thought you were coming in?" "You know what I'm going to leave yous and spend family time together" "are you sure?" "Yeah I'll catch yous later." Tony drives off  "want to tell me what that was about?" "He is awkward after he confessed having feelings for me today, should we go inside handsome?" "Yeah" "HE WHAT?!" "Leah love of my life not in front of Xander please and also not in the street" "we best get inside then hadn't we Xander can you watch paw patrol whilst me and mummy talk?" "Yes mama."

Xander goes into the sitting room and we go into the kitchen "explain" I take Leah's hands "he slipped up today and ended up confessing his feeling for me" "slipping up like how?" "Ok so how did he slip up?" "He caught me wearing these" I go in the bag and pull my glasses out putting them on "oh.. my.. god!" "Well actually what Tony said was 'damn that's hot' so when I asked what he meant he told me but obviously I told him he needs to get over it" "you wear glasses?" "That's it moving on past Tony?" Leah comes towards me "when did you get glasses?" "Today, are you even listening to me?" "When I dropped you off at the high street?" "Yeahhh, your getting very close to me right now" Leah whispers in my ear "wear them later" I get tingles down my spine and Leah walks away and I follow "wait what happened? No kiss... Baby you can't be doing that to me especially when I'm this workeddddd heyyy buddy how about a movie?" "Wion king pwease" "come on then let get comfortable." We all get comfortable and Leah orders pizza.

After we eat and the movie finishes I put Xander to bed. When I come out of his bedroom Leah is waiting and takes my hand walking into the bedroom "baby what are you doing?" "You're not the only one worked up!" Leah smashes her lips onto mine and I pull her right against me. She lifts my top from the bottom pulling it off over my head throwing it across the room. I know right now nothing about what is going to happen is going to be soft and tender. I pick Leah up carrying her over to the chest of drawers putting her on them and removing her top and bra each time returning to explosive kisses. I remove Leah's trousers and underwear and she does the same with me. I pick her back up but walking towards the bathroom "where are we going?" "The shower I want you to be loud." I put the shower on stepping in with Leah still with her legs wrapped around me pinning her up against the wall inserting 2 fingers "oh god Chris fuck!" "Mhmm" I move down to Leah's chest taking her nipple in my mouth whilst moving faster "oh Chris I can't I.." "uh huh not yet" I remove my fingers dropping down to my knees "baby wha..." I pick Leah up putting her legs over my shoulders  with her back still up against the wall. I go straight for my target pressing firmly on Leah's clit with my tongue moving fast "oh god.. oh fuck... Chris!!" Leah has a hold of my hair and I feel her whole body tense then relax as she cries out. Leah steps down off my shoulder and I stand up "you never seize to amaze me" "and you never seize to make me feel the way I do right now my love" "what ever your feeling I'm hoping to make them feelings a lot stronger." Leah pushes me up against the wall kissing my neck "mmmm" "mhmm." She runs her hands over my body sending tingles everywhere then I feel her enter me "fuck me wow!" Leah is moving fast and my legs feel like they could give out at any moment she then takes my nipple in her mouth and the orgasm is instant my body feel like it is going to crumble right now. As I catch my breath Leah gives me a kiss "I think we need to get washed now" "I suppose so yeah." We get washed and dried Leah gets her pyjamas on whilst I put clothes on "erm baby what you doing?" "Bella needs walked" "oh shit yeah awwww I was hoping for cuddles" "I will be 45 minutes max I promise." I take Bella for a walk when I come back Leah is fast asleep so I climb into bed beside her.

Let's skip to the last game in the season I had a meeting with the Arsenal women's supporters club because I couldn't lead any marches due to everything going on I promised the last game of the season to them. Mum and Amanda picked me and Xander up and we have just arrived at the stadium "right baby boy would you go with nana and grandma for a little while and I will see you in 20 minutes?" "Where are you going Chris?" "I made a promise I need to keep otherwise it will have an impact on Leah's image" "ok now I'm really intrigued" "you will see soon, so is that ok baby?" "Yes mummy" "ahh that's my good boy I love you" "wove you mummy." I run off to the pub where they are meeting "hi guys sorry I'm late mum is a nightmare for getting ready for games" "thank you for coming" "I made a promise and I keep my promises" "should we go in and let everyone know Gary the hat isn't leading the march" "that would be good." We go inside "everyone listen up we have someone new leading the march today this is Chris and she is" "omg Leah Williamson's fiancé" I laugh "yes I am so how about we start this March?" We all step outside and as soon as we do the chants are loud and the energy is electrifying. We reach the tunnel and we start bouncing around swinging our scarfs and singing at the top of our voice it was incredible. Once we reach the stadium I say goodbye to everyone and take some photo's before heading in "there's my handsome boy" "MUMMY!" I pick Xander up "are you ready to watch mama kick some backsides?"YEAHHH!" "Did you have fun with the supporters club?" I have to laugh "I did Amanda yeah thank you."

After the game ends that's it the season ends unfortunately Arsenal did not win the league this time but they still did bloody well. Over the next few days me and Leah get things ready for our upcoming holiday which meant Xander staying with our parents because he hated shopping. But that also meant me and Leah had time to have lunch dates and doing a little sneaking around before picking Xander back up. He is getting more and more excited for this holiday and he knows nanny Gloria and grandpa Jeremy are going to take good care of Bella for him. It was so cute when he met them they instantly became obsessed. Anyways we have just got the final few things in for the holiday and now packing the cases "shit!" "What? What's the matter?" "I forgot something?" "Baby don't stress it will be fine we have time" I run over to the drawers and pull out my favourite bikini of Leah's "never mind I got it, didn't think you were leaving this behind did you?" "Baby no!" "What? Why not?" "Because I know what that bikini does to you" "aaaannnnnddddd?" "And our parents are going to be there along with my brother" "not in the bedroom they aren't" "no simple as just no" "awwww but pleeeeeaaaasssssseeeee" "I don't even know if it still fits" I know it will fit "then you should try it on" "nice try" "no my love honestly because if not what's the point in keeping it?" Leah gives me a strange look "ok then" once her back is turned I have the cheekiest smile on my face. When Leah comes out of the bathroom I don't say anything I just run over picking her up putting her on the bed. This causes her to scream and laugh "Chris!" "Mhmm"  I place kisses all over Leah's body pulling the ties in the bottoms of the bikini. "MAMA MUMMY!" I go up to Leah's ear whispering "play times over my love... WE ARE UPSTAIRS PACKING." Mum and dad bring Xander up whilst Leah puts her clothes back on in the bathroom. "Hey everyone" "hey kid how's the packing going?" "Yeah nearly done not long now bubs and we will be on holiday" "yeyyy." Once we are finished packing we go downstairs and spend the rest of the night making plans for the holiday.

Leah and her soldierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ