24. Great?

19 6 2


" I shouldn't have met him just few months more but no I have to ruin it. First me then so many innocent girls then my mom and now who my friends? " I thought and throw a punch on the table which was just beside me in frustration.

" I wish I can be happy after seeing him after so long but now I feel that I made a terrible mistake. " While cursing myself I called the officers to check whether they got the lead or not, but they didn't till now.

We are trying to follow his pattern. When I was in college Shikha told me about the pattern, I realized it then that he is making a letter on the map of India by leaving the trails of dead bodies. When he started it, it was barely a thing to notice by common people as it was not in so many numbers in such a short span of time but now, he killed whenever he got any chance to, and the public is really afraid of him. 

But he doesn't really want to scare public, he wants to scare me, and I am not. I didn't contacted my friends so that he won't use them as my weakness. But this meeting would trigger him as well as my friends too.

I took a pause from all these things which were occupying my mind and sat on my chair as I couldn't hold myself anymore and I need support, I do.

 I saw a hope that I can be with them, and that mere hope made me so eager that I hopped on the chance of meeting him. I am not sure if he is going to leave it out just like that because while observing him, I get to know that he is being waiting for that meeting from the last six years and I broke his heart once again. He is a bit freer with his emotions and expressions. Is that challenging Ansh still there? 

But I don't really want to put his life on edge even I want him to be with me, I better not show it by giving anymore hopes to him.

" I need to be calm and not react in a way that could be more problematic. " I whisper to myself while running my fingers through the hairs, took my bag and decided to go to office as I need to talk to Sameer.


" What did you do? " He is astonished. 

Obviously, I am not that careless every day, so it was pretty normal for him to be this surprise.

" Well, I have to ask, " he took a pause and then continued " How? "

" Well, " I mimic his voice " that's not important, the more important thing is that the bloody killer has reached me out. " I told him with a dead serious tone.

" Now I guess I know how does that happen? " He has so many questions right now, but I have to tell him as he is also a hacker, and I did tell him to remove the security from my devices.

I explained him the whole scenario.  

" Did you inform the officers? " He said after engulfing everything I told him.

" No actually as they can even restrict me from getting out of my apartment because of this as i am the only one that killer needs but I am more worried about....."  

I was lost in my own thoughts, but Sameer decided to bring me back.

" Calm down he is not a girl, so he won't kill him, and Ansh is basically a billionaire, he already has bodyguards You don't really have to worry about him. " He knows what I am talking about. Am I really that obvious?

" And I will protect your devices again so don't worry about them too. " He assured me again. I hummed and started again.

" As far as I know that he can go at any extents, and I am worried about the few people I am left with. " I told him so that he supports me and gave me assurance again as he is the one who is doing this from the past years. 

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