10. Triggered

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Next day in the cafe.


She is dangerously gorgeous. I mean if she will kill you with a smile on her face then you won't even realize when are you being attacked or already killed.

One more douchebag from our class is willing to see his lifespan being shorten. He doesn't even know her, just obsessed by her looks I mean yes, she is stunning and very pretty, but you got to know that with these looks only she will kill you.

She just rejected his proposal with a paragraph of cunning words which I am proud of but still how can she be so rude when someone is being nice to her for the whole time??

I cannot hear the conversation but by the expressions of her I can judge that he will get killed in no time.

The timing is also very bad like when she is writing studying eating or sleeping you better not disturb her, or you will see the beauty of hell. The exam season is going on and the stupid boy is trying to impress her by some mere speeches. She needs important question, maybe then she can consider giving you a little attention.

Both of them are pretty much of a nuisance and I am here to study which I cannot in front of this drama neither I can leave this place what if anything goes out of control?? she has really bad angry issues.

Well, it is very normal to see her bashing out with words on any boy, but she is leaving with her belongings quietly.
That shit is not good.

That stupid was going to follow her and here is my entry. I don't care what are they doing in private, but it is going on Infront of me, and I can't endure him anymore, anywhere near her no matter how big my hatred is I won't let anyone touch her without her permission.

"Don't. Not ever try to pull any kind of these stunts" I warned him.

"Wait...who..." he was cut off by me as I grabbed his collar and said-

"I don't really want to waste these many words of mine on you" I said and dragged him out of the cafe.

I was glaring at him in the meantime and then he tried to free himself from my grip.
I grabbed his throat while he was struggling to breath I said my stern voice-

"She is mine. Stay away or die the choice is all yours,"

I left him when I feel he was going to faint. He was taking as much breath he can and I ran to follow her because it is not normal, not at all.

I searched for her where she usually hangs out like the cafe, which is not an option so either the Krishn temple or the park.

The park is nearer she must be there, I thought.

She is crying, she doesn't even know that as she is looking blankly at the ground. Her hands are shivering, that douchebag must have triggered her about something she hasn't overcome yet.

Now, she is trying to control her hands from shivering and failing again and again and decided to----


He holds my hands just before they get hit by the bench, I was sitting onto. I am irritated by now with all these shakiness he is not even affecting me. Why do these traumas have to come and make it evident?? It would be so fine if I was suffering from a trauma, and it wasn't shown anywhere.

I was going to punch the bench because these hands of mine are not stopping constantly shivering and that's it. Someone holds it firmly. I opened my eyes and looked at the person who held my hands. It was Ansh that irritating yet handsome guy.

Ansh- "Shhhh. That's it you don't have to waste these precious drops for that fucker."

Me- "No it is not.... It's not because of him but he did play a part in it."
I said while sniffing.

Ansh- "It is fine no one can see you.... Now so if you want you can let it out."
He said while covering me by standing infront of me.

Why is he acting so cute and caring now, I know he is an irritating piece of shit and I cried more. He bends down again holding my hands in his so it can stop shivering.

Me- "As if you care."
I said while crying. Fuckk I look so vulnerable which I don't want to look infront of anyone.

Ansh- "As if you are dying to know."

What does he think of himself. I am gonna kill him for sure.
Me- "After listening to this even my dead cells will consider themselves as living."
I sniffed.

Ansh- "He is just a random dog dressed in a human form. So, he doesn't know how humans talk just barks in his own way."

I smiled.
Me- "Okk so which species do you belong??"

He whispered something.

Me- "Whatt??"

Ansh- "Nothing. I can see that you are very interested in knowing my species. Aren't you??"

Me- "Not at all."

I jerked his hand away and he smiled. As I said I am really gonna kill him. I stood up to walk away but he got a hold on my arms and pulled me hard that I literally crashed on his hard chest.

Me- " What... What the hell??"

Ansh- "It is not trust me." He smiled.

What is he talking about. I was confused that was visible in my expressions.

Ansh- "It is dirty there. Be careful."

Me- "Fine. Now you can leave me!"

He freed me from his hold, and I walk or slowly ran towards my hostel.

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