25. Never be done

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" We also have one surprise for you. " Shikha chirped happily.

We are at the cafe now and I am going to tell them about Aadhya because they also do deserve to know about their friend, and they will help me too.

" I guess we have the same surprise for each other which no longer makes it a surprise. " 

I know our team would have been find out about Aadhya as she removed her security for few hours.

" We are talking about Aadhya. " Vansh said while checking my expressions.

" Don't tell me that you guys meet each other already. " Shikha giving me glares now.

" As if I had an option? " I nervously chuckled.

" Are you for real? Without us? So selfish of you Mr. Malhotra. " Shikha and her taunts.

" Listen to me. "

" No. Now we are going to meet her that's it. You cannot have her all for yourself. We know that you love her but so do we. " Shikha stood from her place and I place my hands on my temples.

What are they thinking? Nothing romantic happened but just the opposite. She left me with these two stupid characters in my life.

" She has moved on. " I spoke and she sat down.

" Where? What? No that can't be. It isn't possible Ansh. " Shikha speaks with a glint of nervousness in her eyes.

" Yes, you probably had screwed up you're meeting with her. " Vansh giving excuses.

" I need your help guys. " I said and explained everything to them and at last the only thing which was visible on Shikha's face was anger, that won't help the situation by the way.

" I need to talk to her. " She stood up and took her bag.

" I am coming too. " Vansh said in hurry.

" No. I want some alone time with her. " She said and left the place.

" Did you buy that? " Vansh asked me and I know about what he is talking about.

" Not even a word. " I said while sipping my coffee.

" What are you going to do then because you showed her that you are okay with her relationship. " He asked. Well, I forgot to mention that he is still stupid.

" I am going to make her realize what she is actually doing and will try to find the reason behind all this. " I said while thinking the ways I am going to make her regret about telling me that sentence, I MOVED ON.

" And we are going to help you in all this. " He sighed and drank his coffee.

" Seems like you don't really want to. " I basically glared at him.

" As if I have an option. " He chuckled sadly.

" Good. " 


" I expect from you to break this silence. " Shikha said while fuming in anger.

" Well, hello to you too. " I said with as much confidence I can.

We have been sitting in a cafe. Our table is in the terrace and there is not even a soul. I knew this day would come and now it is there, and I have to face it.

" Why? " She asked jumping straight to the point.

" I wanted to. " I said in the same curt tone.

" This is what you wanted? " She asked and the agony of six years was reflecting in her tone and eyes.

" Yes. " I gave a slight nod to make her understand that I mean that lie.

" Ok let's try that again. Why Aadhya? " She is trying her best to not explode but I am really sorry for this I have to.

" Because I wanted to Shikha. " I am sounding like a proper meanie, but I hate that affect my words has over her or I like that because she is still my best friend.

I have never really realized it until we broke apart that she was really my best friend. After losing her I got to know what a best friend and she was exactly that. I found her and she is still my best friend. I might be not a best friend, but I will try my best to not let anyone hurt you and here I am hurting her.

" Oh! So, you wanted to cut off all the ties and leave from our lives like we have never really met? Is that what you wanted. " She broke out the things which was holding.

" No wait you listen to me now. We have been searching for you for past six years, that stupid and the most idiot guy has hope that his Aadhya will surely come to him but look at her she is already moved on and is also very happy. Couldn't you said this before so we could have also moved on, or you really wanted us to suffer because that's what you said YOU wanted it. So here it is the fact, the truth that we didn't move on yes, we find reasons to be happy and continued to live but never really forgot you and it was in our daily routine to check whether we have any update on you. You were always there even if you weren't." She sniffs and continues.

" That guy is mad for you. There is no option for him its either you or you. He loves you Aadhya how can you ignore that and just say that you moved on. How? This is not you. Aadhya cannot do that. She would never break an innocent heart who never really wanted anything but just your company. As his friend I have this right to ask you WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM? " She cried during her break down.

I have particularly no words to say to her. Did I do the exact things to them from which I have been protecting them? I tried to hold myself together and not cry with her no matter how much I need that break down it's not that time. That psycho must be watching this.

" You done? Because I am actually. " My throat is paining, and the words are nearly inaudible. I stood up from there and took my handbag.

" No and we will never be done from you. Just know that. " She manages to speak somehow, and I left from there after giving a slight nod to her.

The parking lot is also very silent, the only place where havoc is happening is in my head. I sat inside my car and took myself to my writing office as I don't know where else to go. I drive like a crazy person; her words and cries are constantly replaying in my head. I am feeling pain in my throat and chest I can't hold it anymore.

I got there and saw the condition of my office; it was burnt as there wasn't a proper house. I called the officers and currently I am not feeling anything, the only place which belongs to mine was burnt. 

They did their investigation and checked all the cctv cameras but found no clue. They assured me that they will find the one who did it, but I know they can't. The only one who can do that is me. What is he doing? Why?

It suddenly hits me, and I called my dad to make sure he is okay as he is the only one I have yet to lose.

He is not picking up; he might be busy in something. After all those paper works, I left from the police station and headed towards house.









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Lots of love from Red 🥂

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