15. No

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" So, you are willing to help me? On what condition because we all know as the son of a businessman you are not doing this just as a favor? " He is a son of a businessman what else Should I expect him? 

He is sweating profusely, did he run to here? I observed him keenly until then he was thinking of the answer. His knuckles are red. What the heck he was doing before coming here? He isnt a type of person who gets violent easily.

" Yes, I do have a thing to ask you, but it is more of a deal rather than a favor. " Confidence dripping from his mouth.

" Thats the another meaning of saying that you want something. " I was looking at my phone now, when is she going to come, this girl?

" I want you to date me. " As if he just told me to pass the water bottle.

What is going on in his head? The more I want to stay away from these things the more they invite me. I dont want all of these things, just a timepass. Look at him. Never.

" Is this how you ask a girl out? " I am confused and offended the way he is telling me like seriously not even asking just straight ordering me.

" I am not asking you out. I am just telling you to date me which is going to be fake. " He explained like it is the terms and conditions of the deal.

" Why? " Even though he is hot but still how can I date him? Wait I am not dating anyone.

" Because I don't want to get ask out by every other girl on every other day, and as you suffer from the same problem, we can solve it by announcing that we are dating, and it is going to be fake in real. I know you don't want anything serious neither do I. " He do have a point but still I dont feel this right. 

I don't want to date anyone, but these proposals are not stopping, and they are going to try another way. This is a good way to stop them, but this is also wrong. I hate lies. I, myself cannot tell when I don't have an audacity to listen one.

" No. I know we suffer from the same problem but my way of treating them is different. I don't lie. " Actually, I can't lie, I get caught every time I do. 

Those who don't know me can't guess if I am lying or not but those who knows me can catch it when I am lying. It is a fuss. 

" Do they deserve your truth? " He raised an eyebrow, this curiosity of yours will kill you.

" It's not about other people it is about me. I don't lie because I choose not to. It disturbs me. " I just hope he understands.

" Lies? " I hummed.

" Ok then date me in real. " As if he is finalizing a deal.

I cant process his words as he said it with so much fluidity.

" What the hell I am even hearing? " a shrill voice echoed.

Ohh fuck. She heard it.

" No, it's.... " I was saying something but how is it possible.

" You are dating him? " She literally shouted.

" Listen to me. It's not..." She cut me off again.

" You have to say yes. Look at him, he is hot and only listens to you. " I am done with everyone seriously.

" You are on my side. Aren't you? " He asked her as if he is gathering majority. 

Wtf is happening.

" Of course, I am. " She said. 

Fine I hate her now. 

" I am still going to say no, I dont need any majority. " I mean it.

" Ok then, I will be leaving guys you guys continue. " He wispered something else and got up from his chair and took his leave.

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