26. Assumptions

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I am sweating profusely even when the car's AC is on. I stopped the car at entrance and gave the keys to the watchman to park it and run towards the building. I am waiting for the lift, but it is taking too much time, and I don't think that any bit of calmness left inside me. I decided to take stairs instead.

I was panting heavily when I reached the ninth floor. I pressed the bell and within few seconds the door opened and there it is my father. 

I sighed in relief; my mind was creating so many possible excuses for his not answering calls. I bent down on my knees and put my hands on the ground, took some deep breaths.

" What happened? you are not looking good....is there any emergency? Did you rush up to this floor? " He got so nervous after seeing my condition. He bent down to my level and asked me several questions.

I saw him as if I am looking at my precious treasure. My eyes welled up unknowingly.

" I am fine. You weren't picking up my calls, so I got worried. " I said while holding his hands and making both of us standing straight.

" My phone? " He scrunched his forehead to remember what he did to that thing.

" Yes, papa your phone. " I said and give out a long breath which I was holding until I saw him and entered the house.

" It must have gone on silent, again. " He said after locking the door and giving me a glass of water.

" It is a non-living thing, that means he cannot do things on its own. " I accused him while gulping down the water.

" I am fine beta (child) see. " He is showing himself by twirling Infront of me and I hate to ruin this moment, but I had to.

" Dad...... I want you to be somewhere. " I stood up from my place and covered my face with a serious mask.

" Where? " He carefully listens and then asked.

I don't want it. I don't want to throw away my single own person away from me, but I had to do it. I cannot be selfish.

" In the......kitchen. " I couldn't.

" I want to eat something tasty from your hands now go and make something delicious, I am very hungry. " But I had to one day sent him away.

But it couldn't be today I just experienced the fear of losing him. I cannot give this news to him right now but will surely ensure that he moves away somewhere far. I just need some days to be mentally prepared.

" Daughter sayings are the demands for their father. Sure, I will go and make something for you which you will surely like. " He laughed and patted my both cheeks with his rough yet comforting palms.

 I felt relaxed in that brief moment as I am a child again whose father loves her, and her world revolves around him only. But this isn't the case as this isn't some fairytale.

He left for the kitchen, and I sat on the sofa and thought how much I wanted to hug my dad when I saw him all fine, but I didn't. He will be suspicious, and I will surely breakdown as for today all of this is more than enough already.

I decided to get a shower as I was again drowning in the ocean of my thoughts but here's my phone rings.

" Hello Ms. Pathak." My boss who-cares-only-about-profit type of person said in a professional tone.

" Yes sir. " I replied with the same intensity.

" There is a very good news for you. " Thank God finally something good.

" The Malhotra's want to give one of their biggest projects to you and your team. " He said with genuine enthusiasm.

" That's really a great news. I will inform my team and will start working on it from tomorrow. " I got a distraction and that also have to be him only. So HAPPY I am right now, I faked smiled.

" Sure sure, then I will say yes to them as they specially demanded for you to lead their project. " 

" Yes, sir sure. " I sighed.

I doubt I can fight against him. I can fight with everyone around me but why can't this annoying guy who is acting like a teenager. At this point I am furious at him.

Can't he just stop all these?

Can't he leave me alone?

This is very crucial time and I need to be alone at this time. My all six years of struggle would be in vain if anyone would be harmed by that bastard.

I took a long shower and did some chit chat with papa while informing him about the deal we have been offered to nothing more than that he should know about Malhotra's. He wished me luck for my new project and left for the sleep.

I need the sleep too, but I couldn't. I am not sane right now there are too many things continuously going on in my head and I cannot stop them.

The words Shikha told me today, the condition of my writing office, the realization that anything can happen to my papa anytime. All of this just because of a single person, Me!

I need it all to be out, I need to write it down. I took out my journal after entering my room and start writing whatever words are coming to my mind. At the end I got a solution that in order to keep my people protected I need to be away from them, all of them.

I kept my journal aside and after taking few deep breaths lie down on the bed, patiently waiting for the sleep to find me.

Some people say that sleep will find you when you are at comfort. Well, if that's true then it would have never come to me for six years maybe sleep pitied me or try to find me very hardly. I like to make my own assumptions when I clearly don't want to accept the truth even when I know it.







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