23. My world

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She is different. I cannot expect her to act normally after how her world turned upside down but it's not just the effect.

She is changed. I understand we all have different coping mechanism. She just turned off everything in her while guessing that it would be easy for her to deal with the things. She is just piling up the things which she will feel later.

She looks broken, not from outside but inside and she will not be in this state for the long time.

" I am also not talking to the six years previous Ansh. " She stated barely giving any emotions in her tone.

" You are right. I am not that one,
but I can assure you that this
one is far more better than the older one. " I tried to make the conversation as comfortable as I can.

" Let's end this. " She is lying. 

She looked in my eyes and told this while carrying so much pain in her eyes.

" Your eyes are betraying you sweetheart. " I smiled lightly. 

There is not a penny chance that I will end this.

" The first thing what is there to end? " I continued.

" You know. This. Us. " She is trying hard to explain but I got you after six freaking years there is no way I am going to end this conversation that easily and if we talk about 'Us' so the answer will be always never.

" Explain briefly Miss Aadhya Pathak. What do you want to end? " I am coming in my serious zone. All thanks to her.

" Exactly there was nothing between us. " 

" Is it? " I asked knowing very well that I am hitting a nerve on her head but any emotion on me is way too much better than those dead talks.

" You are playing with me. " She calmed.

" Well, I have to. You are talking like teenager. " I gave her an obvious look and her eyes reflecting that irritation very well which she had for me.

" We are the ones who never has a start or a end. We are an Endgame. " I pitched my voice higher for the last word.

" I moved on. "

She looked serious but I know she is lying.  

" You know after meeting me you can't escape me that too after six years. " She is well aware of that fact.

" There were few things which has to end for some beginnings. " 

I know you are lying wildcat and there is a reason for it. It would be impossible for me to know the reason if I kept denying her. You want me to play along, I will play along.

" Thats all you want? " I asked in a calm and intimidating tone.

" Yes. "

" Fine. " Her eyes widened after hearing me reply.

" Yeah. So, this is it. Take care. " She was still in shock probably processing my stillness and calmness.

She got up and there was our order. Her coffee and mine, it was the same, Espresso. 

" I will have it while going on my way. " 

" Or you could just spend few more moments with me as this is our last..... meeting. " I don't have to be this sad or upset but still hurts. I know this wouldn't because now I will do the things which was being held by me only. 

I shouldn't had let you go.

She sat back and start sipping her coffee.

" Did they plan their marriage? " She asked. 

I hit her at that spot. I didn't want to do this, but I have to make you realize.

" I don't know. You have to ask this yourself to them. They are also waiting for you, eagerly. " 

" Do they also know about. " She stopped and I know what she is talking about.

" I couldn't be possibly came alone then. "

" Yeah. " 

" It would be good if you guys also move on. " She was looking at her cup and saying these as we both know; her eyes are betrayers.

" Correct. " I said looking at her knowing very well that I cannot even think about any other girl, and she is all that matters but still I have to play along.

She stood up and left the place without even glancing back. I stayed there for few more minutes and planning on what to do next. I texted those love birds to meet me tomorrow at this cafe.

Now for the rest of the day I need to distract myself so that I won't do anything stupid which will cause nothing but more dishes on the plate which is already full.

I went to office did some important work and then headed towards gym. I texted my mother that I will be late. I was doing my exercises but in my mind our meeting was replaying nonstop.

She was so beautiful calm to my eyes, heart, soul.... She was dressed in pure black, but her eyes have those colours which no one has really seen. They were hurt but there was still a glint of hope. Hope that everything will be fine one day and it will be.

The way she orders people around, the way she walks, the way she breath. I am obsessed with her mere existence.

I so much wanted to fuck the life out of her and made her see heaven and hell at the same time on that very coffee table.

That wasn't sounding like a decent idea to me, not yet.

Let the game begins.

Welcome to My World, Wildcat.









How was the chapter?? And I know you guys already know but still I am really sorry for the late updates.

Lots of love from Red 🥂

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