We all need a friend like Ben🥹🥲

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"Subject A2 has successfully entered the Maze." I hear someone say. Their voice sounds distorted and far away, almost like the speaker is at the end of a tunnel and underwater at the same time. All I can tell is that the speaker is a male. 

I try to look around, but it's as if my head is strapped down, making it so I can only see straight in front of me. I can't speak. My lips are stuck together as if my mouth has been taped shut. All I can do is listen and squint my eyes in an attempt to see something; anything.

"And the boy? A9?" I hear someone else ask. This voice sounds female.

"Beginning to give in. We should be able to have full control in just a matter of days." The former speaker replies.

"You're sure?" The woman asks.

"Positive." The man replies, his voice in a matter-of-fact tone. I squint my eyes more to try to see the two people across the room from me, but all I can make out are their silhouettes. 

"You better hope so." The woman says. I can hear her heels clicking across the floor, coming closer and closer to where I'm frozen in place. I still can't make out any of her physical appearance despite the fact that she's right in front of me. My vision is too blurred. "My beautiful girl." She says.

I can feel her hand stroke my cheek shortly, her fingers lingering on my skin a moment before she pulls away. Her touch was unnaturally cold.

"Everything is going to change." She says. "You have to choose, Venus." 

Her voice is still extremely distorted, but she no longer sounds far away. Instead, her voice is unnaturally loud. It's as if she's in my head, her voice booming in my skull.

"Wicked is good." The woman's voice sends shivers down my spine. The three words are whispered in my ear, but still somehow ring in my mind, lingering and echoing in my skull.

The woman and man fade out of view, replaced by flashing images. No, not images.

It doesn't take long for me to realize that these are memories. My memories.

Memories of me coming up in the Box, a young girl behind a control panel, an older woman in a starch white lab coat and pants walking down the hallway of a control room, her heels clicking as she goes.

The images flash through my mind, every one of them distorted. I see people trapped in pods, thrashing around, bubbles coming out of their mouths as they attempt to scream. 

Ben, Minho, Alby, Chuck, Gally, Newt, Logan, Frypan, Winston, and so many others. All the boys in the Glade. All of them in the pods full of water, their screams muffled by bubbles and their movements in slow motion. They're all drowning.

Finally, my vision turns white, clearing so that I'm looking up at a doctor's face. No, not a doctor.

A surgeon. 

Not just one, but five of them.

A cold, metal table is underneath me, a paper thin sheet covering my naked body. I look to my right and see a boy laying on a table just like mine, his body covered with a sheet as well. Five surgeons stand over his body, just like me.

He looks over, reaching out a hand. I do the same, my fingers just barely reaching his. A tear slides down my cheek as the surgeons put a mask over my mouth, strapping it around my head. I can already feel myself becoming loopy, my eyesight blurring in and out of consciousness.

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