Remember to Wrap It Before You Tap It!!

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A/N~ Today is my 16th birthday, so happy birthday to me! I'm so proud of myself for having made it this far because if I'm being honest, I never thought I would. So happy 16th birthday, me! I'm so proud of you!

Anyways, here's a birthday chapter for my amazing readers and supporters. I love you all so much!

Me? In love with Gally? That idea is almost humorous. I can't spend two minutes with the guy before he gets on my nerves! How could I ever be in love with him?!

"Trust me, Newton. I'm nowhere near in love with him. He's an asshole."

"Whatever you say." He replies, taking a sip of his drink.

"Careful you don't drink too much. Don't want you going around asking people to have sex with you." I say, cackling with laughter at the memory. Newt shoves my shoulder, glaring at me.

"Bloody hell, would you let that go already?! It's been months!"

"And yet it's still hilarious!"

"You're ridiculous." He mutters, standing up.

"Says you." I reply, taking a sip of my drink. "Hey! Where're you going?!"

"To talk to Alby." He says, walking away.

"Make sure you wrap it before you tap it!" I call after him, earning a glare.


I've never fully understood why Gally always feels the need to have a fight circle at every bonfire. Frankly, it's just annoying at this point. All he does is win again and again.

Every. Fucking. Time.

He's the undefeated champion. It's been that way for a year. Nothing has changed since.

It's just another thing he does to boost his ego and impress everyone. It's exhausting for everyone around him. Especially me.

Although, every time he fights, I can't seem to look away. No matter how hard I try, I can't help but watch. It's entertaining despite the fact that it's annoying.

So here I sit, sipping my third drink with my back against a log, watching Gally throw kid after kid out of the circle.

"Watcha doin, Venus?" Someone asks, approaching me. I tear my eyes away, looking up to see Winston.

"Just watching the fights. Wanna join?" Winston shrugs, sitting beside me before taking a sip of his own drink. 

"God, this stuff tastes like piss." Winston mutters, wrinkling his face in disgust.

"I wholeheartedly agree, Winnie. Honestly, if Gally pissed in it, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Me either. Still good though."

"Definitely." I reply, my eyes trained on the fight going on in front of us. "Do you think he ever gets bored of this? Gally, I mean. Do you think he gets bored of fighting?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

"Honestly, no. He likes to show off his strength. He always has. I think it might be because of what happened to him when he was a kid." 

"What happened?" I ask, looking at the Slicer beside me.

"That's a story for him to tell."

"Oh, c'mon, Winnie! He won't tell me!"

"He might if you ask. You never know." He shrugs, turning back to the new fight going on. 

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