Mama Newt can't take the bickering

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"God, this is why I can't stand you!" I shout as I storm towards the main area of the Glade, Gally following right behind me.

"Well this is why I can't stand you! You're impossible!" He shouts back. The Gladers around us abruptly stop their work, staring at the argument happening between Gally and I.

"You're stubborn!"

"You're annoying!"

"You're a bitch!"

"You did not just call me that!" He shouts, running forward so that he stands in front of me, looming over me. His body casts a fucking shadow over me. That's how tall he is compared to me.

"What would you do about it if I did?" I snap, stepping closer and standing to my full height.

Just before he can respond, Newt and Minho run over to us, Minho grabbing Gally's arms and Newt grabbing mine. They both yank us away from each other before Newt asks,

"What the hell was that?!"

"That, my good friend, was Gally being an absolute asshole."  I look up, meeting eyes with the Builder. "What's new though?" I sneer.

"Venus! You need to shucking calm down before I put you in the Slammer!" Newt says, stepping in front of me so he's now standing between Gally and I. "Now, calmly explain what happened."

"She's being absurd!" Gally says loudly, throwing a hand in the air. I flip him off, saying,

"And you're being a dick!"

"Venus! Language!" Newt shouts.

"Sorry, mom! Didn't mean to offend you!" Newt throws his hands in the air, sighing loudly at my statement.

"What happened?" He asks in a calm voice, looking from Gally to me and back again. Gally sighs before saying,

"We were just talking like normal. Everything was great. We were having a normal conversation while I sketched. That is, until she started being unreasonable." He shoots me a glare as Newt waves his hand in the air, trying to get the Builder to continue. "We were talking about what we like and dislike. She was talking, I was listening. But then, she asked me what kind of candy I like the most."

"Oh god. Now I understand." Newt mutters, putting a hand on his forehead. I roll my eyes, running a hand through my hair. "She's impossible when it comes to food."

"You guys are so dramatic! We were debating over what kind of candy is the best and I mentioned those peanut butter cups that The Creators sent up a few weeks ago." I shoot Gally a glare before continuing. "He told me that those are disgusting and he'd never touch one even if his life depended on it! How insane?! How could anyone in their right minds hate peanut butter cups?! They're a delicacy!"

"Some people like things that you don't, Greenie! Get over it!" Gally shouts, running a hand over his tired face.

"No one asked for your opinion, asshole!" I shout.

"Actually, you did when you asked what kind of candy I like!" He shouts back.

"This is ridiculous!" Newt roars in order to be heard over the bickering. "I've had just about bloody enough of the constant fighting! I'm locking you both in the Slammer!" Both Gally and I start to protest, but Newt cuts us off, holding his hands up and his eyes closing. "I don't want to hear any bloody complaints. You got yourselves into this mess."

Newt hands Minho the key, telling him to walk us over and lock us inside the prison-like cage for a few hours. 

"I just can't bloody deal with this right now." Newt mutters, walking away while running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Okay, guess I'm in charge then." Minho says, more to himself than us.

"Never a good idea." I mutter, trudging along behind him as he leads Gally and I toward the Slammer.

He opens the cage doors for us, letting us both hop inside before closing and locking the door and walking away without another word. 

I sit huddled in a corner on the opposite side of Gally, legs pulled up to my chest and arms wrapped tightly around them.

Silence passes between us. Gally doesn't say anything. I don't say anything. We're both completely silent.

Gally pulls one knee towards his chest, resting his forearm on it. The other one sticking straight out, his arm down by his side. He leans his head back, closing his eyes to avoid my glare.

"This is your fault, y'know." He mutters, eyes still closed. 

"What?" I snap, dropping my knees to the ground and crossing my arms.

"You just had to pick a fight."

"You're the reason I started fighting with you in the first place! Just be reasonable next time! It's not that difficult!" I throw my hands in the air. Gally's eyes are still closed, his head still resting on the wall behind him.

"Sorry that I don't like the same thing that you do." He snaps, sarcasm lacing his voice. "I'll work on that." 

"Good. You do that then." My arms are still folded. My voice is still cold.

"This is the dumbest argument we've ever had, and that's saying something." Gally says, opening his eyes and staring at me with a look in his eyes that I can't quite place.

"Well it's not my fault." I reply, glaring at him. I force myself to push away any thoughts I have of him looking attractive right now. I can't think like that. Not now, not ever.

Gally throws his hands in the air, sighing loudly as he does so. "Why can't you just accept the fact that you were wrong?!"

"Because I'm never wrong!" I shout.

"Well, there's a first time for everything!" He shouts back. "God, you can be so self-centered sometimes! The world doesn't revolve around you, Greenie! Do you never just stop and think about other people?!" I stop and stare at him in shock.

"You're a real bitch sometimes, y'know that?" I ask quietly. I don't know why that statement hurt me so bad, but it did. I feel physically hurt. I don't even think it was the words he said that hurt me so much, rather than the person saying it. "Shit like that hurts. Especially when it comes from someone you trust."

I spit out the last sentence like venom, hoping it hurts him as much as what he said hurt me. It won't. I know that. But at least he knows that he hurt me. At least he knows that his words of all people have power. That they affect me.

Our argument was ridiculous. It wasn't even that serious. But then he had to go and say hurtful things. That's where I draw the line.

Gally doesn't respond. He stays silent. I stay silent. It's better this way anyway.

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