Robert and Steve and Gally and V

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"Hey, Newton! Hey, Minnie!" I shout, bounding up to the two boys before jumping on Minho's back. He laughs, catching me and holding me on his back. "Watcha talkin' about?"

"You." Newt replies with a grin as Minho spins around, both of us cackling with laughter.

"All good things, I expect." I say. The Runner sets me down, so I go over to Newt, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his chest. He smiles down at me, rubbing his fist into my hair and giving me a noogie. 

"Nah, all bad things. We were talking about what a terrible person you are." Minho mutters with an eyeroll. "Yes, dumbass. All good things."

I grin as I step away from Newt and situate myself on the grass, both boys following suit.

"What about me?"

"Oh, y'know. Just how totally in love with Gally you are." Newt replies, rolling his eyes as well. I scoff, crossing my legs and looking up at the stars.

"I'm not in love with him. I can barely stand the guy."

"That's what they all say." Minho mutters. "Just take Robert and Steve for example. They both claimed that they hated each other and couldn't stand to be around each other, but look at them now."

"I thought they broke up." Newt whispers.

"Shit." Minho says under his breath. "Scratch that." He says louder so that we can hear better.

"You guys need to let this whole thing about me and Gally go. We don't like each other."

"How long ago did they break up?" Minho asks Newt, his eyebrows knit together in utter confusion.

"Months ago, I thought." The British boy replies before turning back to me. "I'm just saying that if I were you, I'd be careful around him."

"And why's that?" I snap.

"Because he's insane! One second, he's nice, and the next, he could be beating the klunk out of someone for no apparent reason! He's bloody crazy!"

"Because he has mood swings? I don't know if you've noticed, Newton, but my mood swings get really bad, especially if it's my time of the month."

"There's no way they broke up months ago! I could've sworn I just saw them together yesterday!" Minho shouts, his mind elsewhere right now.

"Maybe because they're still friends." I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Kinda like how Gally and I are sorta friends. We don't like each other, and I don't have to be careful about being around him."

"But he's-"

"Newton, politely, shut the fuck up and let me live my own life. You're not my mother, so leave me alone."

"V, I don't know if you've noticed, but he literally beats people up just for the fun of it." Minho adds, finally breaking away from his other train of thoughts.

I stare at them both, my jaw dropped in complete disbelief. How could they say these things? They don't know him like I do.

"No offense- well, actually a lot of offense because I'm fucking offended right now, but you guys are acting crazy. I don't have to be careful around Gally, okay? He wouldn't-"

Newt cuts me off. "Exactly, Venny! He's doing things to earn your trust before he tries anything! Who else is he nice to, huh? No one! Have you noticed that? You're the only person he's nice to!"

"He has a point." Minho mutters, looking me in the eyes. I scoff, folding my arms across my chest. This whole conversation is ridiculous. 

"Maybe that's because I actually gave him a chance when I met him! You guys never tried to be his friend or anything! All you do is judge him!" I shout, shooting to my feet.

"She has a point too, Newt." Minho says, looking to Newt. 

"Shut up." The Trackhoe and I say at the same time, glaring at the Runner. 

"We did try, Venny! That's the thing! We all tried! You're the only person he was ever nice to!"

"That's not true!" My face is red with fury.

"Yeah? Who else is he nice to?! Who else does he talk to and steal food with and look at the stars with?!" I go silent, my jaw dropped. "That's right! Don't think that I haven't seen you two talking almost every night! I knew who stole the food that night!"

"That's not fair!" My voice cracks as I watch him stand up, looming over me. God, I hate being shorter than almost everyone here.

"Newt, calm down." Minho whispers, pulling on Newt's hoodie sleeve. "You're upsetting her."

"I don't bloody care! She's too blinded by this stupid little crush that she can't even see what's really going on; the fact that he just wants to get in her pants!"

We all go silent. The crickets have never sounded as loud as they do right now. My jaw tightens as Newt's chest moves rapidly up and down, Minho still clutching his sleeve.

"He's not, Newton!" I scream, my hands balling into fists and tears filling my eyes. I can't believe he'd say something like that. "He's a good person! He's kind! He'd never do something as fucked up as that!"

"But he's perfectly shucking okay with beating people up when they didn't do anything wrong?! He's okay with scaring the klunk outta the bloody Greenies?! Face it, Venus! The guy's jacked in the head! There's something seriously wrong with his brain!"

"You're unbelievable." I scoff. "It's my life and I can do whatever the hell I want, meaning I can trust whoever the hell I want!"

"I'm not being unbelievable, I'm being reasonable! He's crazy and he's dragging you down with him! I'm your best friend, Venny! I don't want to see you get hurt!"

"And as my best friend, you should support my decisions, whether or not they're bad ones! I trust him! He's nice and funny and kind to me! He cares about me!"

"God, you're so shucking oblivious!" Newt shouts, tangling his hands in his hair.

"I'm not oblivious." I snap, my knuckles whitening with every second they're balled up. "He would never do anything as fucked up as you're implying he would."

"You don't get it, V. We're just looking out for you." Minho says, his voice soothing. That's when my anger boils over, exploding into a mess of rage and shouts.

"Well stop it! You guys aren't my brothers or my parents, so stop acting like it!" Minho looks slightly taken aback, but Newt just stands there, still as a rock. "This is bullshit." I mutter, shaking my head.

I turn around to walk away, but stop to add, "Let me know if you two come up with any other absolutely insane suggestions about mine and Gally's relationship. I'd be thrilled to hear them." My voice is thick with sarcasm. They're absolutely unbelievable, these two. I turn around and walk away, throwing up my middle finger as I walk towards my hut in a blind rage.

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