''Anything for you''

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I hear a bell ringing from outside, signaling that it's time for dinner. I tuck my journal into my back pocket, tell Clint that I'm heading to dinner, and rush out the door, my stomach growling with hunger as I skip towards the Kitchens.

Boys have already begun gathering, standing in line as they wait for Frypan to give them their dinner. I look for Newt, Minho, and Ben, but I don't see them anywhere in line. They must still be working.

I stand patiently in line, waiting for my turn to get my dinner. The chatter around me is loud as more and more boys begin to gather. 

I hear the boys behind me whispering about something, but I ignore them, keeping my head high and my eyes forward. It's on;y when I feel something being snatched out of my pocket that I whip around.

"Hey!" I shout as the boys laugh, holding my journal high in the air. "Give that back!"

I recognize the one holding my journal as a boy named Tate, his curly black hair falling into his eyes. I try to lunge for the journal, but the boy just takes a step back, taunting me with it.

I can feel hot tears welling up in my eyes. "This isn't funny! Give it back!"

Tate tosses it to one of his friends, cackling with laughter. "Read it, J.J!" He shouts. 

J.J laughs, opening the book. I lunge for him, but he backs away quickly. "She's crying, guys!" The boys roar with raucous laughter as I wipe the tears furiously from my cheeks.

"Please, just give it-" I'm not able to finish my sentence. Gally's storming over just at that moment, a furious, murderous look blazing in his eyes.

A push.

A punch

A yell.

Everything happens so fast. I don't even know what happened. My entire body freezes in panic. The kind you get when you nearly fall off the stairs but catch yourself. The kind when you overhear something you shouldn't have and all you can do is stare at the wall. That kind. I'm frozen in place, staring as Gally shoves JJ to the ground. I can't move. 

Gally snatches my journal from JJ and hands it to. I take it quickly, shrinking into myself as he begins screaming at the group of boys.

"Bloody hell! What the shuck happened?!" A British accent shouts from nearby. 

I avoid everyone's gaze, keeping my eyes on my feet. I don't look up. I don't think I can. My face is too red. New tears stain my cheeks. Too much. This is all too much.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks. I wipe my cheeks and eyes quickly before looking up, meeting Winston's eyes.

"Oh yeah. I'm great." My voice betrays me by cracking. I sniffle, looking around. I suddenly realize that nobody is staring at me. The area has gone quiet. I don't see Gally anymore, nor do I see Tate or JJ. "What happened?"

"Gally." He replies shortly. "They took him to the Slammer, I think."

"But he-"

"He punched JJ." Winston says, cutting me off. He places a hand on my shoulder. "Go."

I nod, running a hand through my hair before making my way to the Slammer. It doesn't take long to find him, his back against a wall, his face in his hands. His knuckles are bloody and bruised.

"Hey." I manage to say, kneeling beside the cage bars. His face shoots up, his eyes meeting mine. He scrambles forward, clamping his hands around two of the bars.

"Venus, I'm- I'm sorry." He says, stuttering over his words. "I couldn't stand it. Someone had to do something."

I just nod. I don't know what to say. Silence falls between us as we stare at each other, his blue eyes burning into mine.

"Thanks for punching him." I say, nodding towards his bloodied hand.

"Don't mention it." He replies, reaching through the bars to wipe a tear from my cheek. His thumb rubs small circles on my cheek and I lean my head into his hand, closing my eyes. "Don't cry." Gally whispers, dragging his hand across my jawline before letting go and gripping the bar again.

"What's gonna happen to you?" My voice cracks as I ask the question. Gally shrugs.

"Not sure. Alby said he'd come decide my punishment when he was done talking to the boys." I just nod, looking at the ground, wringing my fingers together.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I shouldn't have put my journal in my pocket. I should've brought it to my hut or something. I shouldn't have-"

Gally cuts me off by taking my hand in his, rubbing circles on the back of mine gently. I look up at him.

"You did nothing wrong, okay?" He says quietly. "Nothing. You didn't make me punch him."

I look up again, meeting his eyes once more. "Thanks, Gal. For everything." I say after a minute of silence.

"You don't have to-"

"Yes, I do. Thank you."

"Anything for you." He replies, a small smile on his face.

"Gally!" Alby shouts, walking over to us. Gally rips his hand away from mine, placing it back on the bar. My face turns bright red. "Let's go."

Alby unlocks the Slammer door, opening it for Gally. The Builder stands up, pulling himself out of the prison-like area.

"Where are you-" I start, standing up before Alby cuts me off.

"Gathering. We have to decide his punishment."

"Can I-"

"No. Stay here." He snaps, leading Gally away. Gally looks back at me, meeting my eyes.

"It'll be okay." He says before following Alby towards the meeting room.

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