Venus is drunk and Gally's a thief

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An hour later and more than a few drinks in my system is enough to have me stumbling all over the place. Newt had tried to stop me about three drinks in, but I pushed him away. I need this. Just one night of carefree fun. No rules. No fighting.

"Frypannn!" I shout, stumbling over to the cook. He grins and laughs when he sees me, waving me over.

"Hey, Venus! Little tipsy, I see?"

"Aw, no man! I'm perfect! Completely sober!" I say loudly. Frypan places a hand on my shoulder to steady me.

"You need some water, dude."

"No, I need another drink!" I reply, looking around frantically. "Where the hell are they?"

"Girl, you do not need another drink! I think you've had enough!"

"No." I insist. "I'm fine." Frypan rolls his eyes.

"You're gonna regret it tomorrow." He says, raising an eyebrow. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

I flip him off, walking away. I suddenly feel the urge to talk to everyone. I grab another drink, making my way from group to group, a social butterfly ready to spread her wings.

Chatter rings out around me as I make my way around the Glade. Playful smacks on the shoulder and laughter becomes normal. Hands occasionally brushing up against one another becomes regular. Having the liquor coursing through my body is making me more social than I've ever been, and I'm growing to love it.

I spot Gally out of the corner of my eye, his arms strained, even as he easily shoves Doug out of the fight circle. My face heats up, my eyes locked on him. God, he's so beautiful. His chest heaves up and down, sweat coating his body as he raises his arms in the air, his fists pumping  up and down. Cheers and hollers are ringing out around him, every Glader celebrating his victory.

My feet are suddenly moving towards him, my mind cloudy due to the many drinks I ingested. I stumble over to him, a grin on my face.

Gally's POV~

I can feel the adrenaline still coursing through my veins as I celebrate my victory. Boys come up to me and high five me, some clapping me on the back or dapping me up. A grin is plastered on my face. 

That's when my eyes lock with hers. She's making her way towards me, a lopsided smile on her face and a drink clutched in her hand. I frown slightly at the odd behavior. She looks drunk, but that's so unlike Venus. She hates getting drunk.

She finally reaches me, taking a swig of her drink before breaking into a fit of laughter.

"Hi, Gally!" She exclaims, her voice loud and clear, breaking through the chatter around us. I know something's off. She's never done this before. She'd be embarrassed if she saw someone acting the way she is now.

"You been drinking?" I ask, the frown still plastered on my face.

"Just a little." She replies, her words slurred together. "I'm fine though!"

"Venus, how many drinks have you had?" I ask, but she doesn't respond. Instead, she takes my hand with her free one, intertwining our fingers and pressing her chest against mine. She looks up at me through her lashes, a small smile on her face.

"We should go." I hear her say, her voice surprisingly soft and steady. I shake my head, shaking myself out of my trance.

"How much have you had to drink, Ven?" I repeat, gently prying the glass out of her other hand and handing it to one of the boys behind me.

"Hey! Give me that back, you thief! That was mine!" She shouts, poking my chest with her finger and glaring at me.

"No. That's enough. I'm cutting you off."

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