Gally = big bad wolf , Greenie = pig

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"Alright," Gally starts, his voice loud in order to be heard over the cheers and claps. He adjusts the leather bands around his wrists as he walks around the circle. The Glader's go quiet, leaving the only noise to be the crackle of the fire and Gally's deep, intimidating voice. "The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle... you try to last more than five seconds."

Laughter sounds throughout the Glade shortly. Gally continues his walk around the circle. When he reaches me, I grab onto his arm, gaining his attention. He turns to me, eyebrows raised in an impatient way.

"Gally, this isn't a good idea." I say. Despite my dislike for the Greenie, I don't think that forcing him to fight the undefeated champion on his first night in the Glade is the best way to make him feel welcome. 

"Not now." He snaps with an eye roll. He turns back around to face the Greenie, but not without me tugging at his arm repeatedly to try to get him to turn back around.

"Please, Gal. Don't do this." I plead, my voice cracking slightly. "It's not smart."

He sighs loudly, turning around to face me, his eyes ablaze with fury. The look he's giving me causes me to shrink back in fear. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under in a second.

Without saying a word, Gally shakes his arm out of my light grip, turning back around to face the Greenie.

"Ready?" He asks. Before the Greenie can even respond, Gally's already lunged at him. He grips the new kids shoulders before violently shoving him backwards, causing him to fall into Zart, Louis, and one other boy I don't quite know. 

I gasp, my hand flying to cover my mouth as Gally walks forward and grabs the kid out of the three Glader's arms, shoving him backwards and making the Greenie face plant into the dirt.

"Gally, stop!" I scream. However, the cheering and laughing of the Gladers around me drowns out my voice. Gally wouldn't listen to me even if he could hear me.

The Greenie spits out a mouthful of dirt, coughing as the wind comes back to him. He turns to look back at Gally, a horrified look on his face. 

"C'mon, Greenie." Gally  says, shuffling around the circle. "We're not done yet."

I can hear the grin in his voice when he says it, causing me to feel sick. This isn't the Gally I know. The way he's taunting the Greenie is so unlike him. Sure, Gally's yelled and threatened people, but the way he talks to the Greenie as if he's his prey...

It unsettles me.

It's as if he's the big bad wolf and the Greenie is one of the pigs.

None of the other Gladers seem to notice this however. They all cheer and shout words of encouragement to the Greenie. Even Newt seems to find this whole thing funny.

The kid scrambles to his feet, adjusting his shirt. "Stop calling me Greenie." He snaps, stumbling slightly around the circle before regaining his balance.

"Stop calling you that?" Gally asks as the Gladers around me let out a series of 'oohs'. "What do you wanna be called? Shank?" The boys all burst out into laughter, Chuck and Logan doubling over.

The Gladers cheer and shout loudly as Gally continues. "What do you think, boys?!" He shouts, his voice booming out throughout the Glade. A few boys start chanting out the word shank, much to Gally's amusement. I see his grin even in the dim firelight. "Does he look like a Shank?!"

More cheering and shouts of agreement come from the boys, but their words are cut off by the Greenie rushing forward, attempting to grab Gally's shoulders.

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