Sensitive scalps are the WORST

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"So, tomorrow's the big day, huh?" I ask Minho and Ben. Newt, the two Runners, Logan, Chuck, and I are all sitting together by the fire pit. We're some of the last Gladers awake, everyone else having gone to bed about a half hour prior.

"I guess, yeah." Minho sighs, leaning back against the log behind him.

"Ow, Newt. Be gentle." I snap through gritted teeth as Newt attempts to braid my hair.

"I didn't even do anything!" He says defensively. "This would be doing something." 

A sharp tug at my hair causes me to gasp in pain. I spin around to face Newt, my face red from anger.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I shout, holding my scalp in one hand. Newt just grins back.

"Language." He warns.

"Shut the fuck up. Why'd you yank my hair?!"

"I hardly touched it! It's not my fault you have a sensitive scalp!" 

I reach over and grab a fistful of his blonde hair, tugging sharply backwards. Newt yelps in pain, immediately grabbing the back of his head.

"Bloody hell!" He shouts, his voice five octaves higher than normal.

"Language." I say with a smirk. Newt leans over, smacking the back of my head lightly. The rest of the group let out small laughs due to our bickering.

"I can't imagine running all day." Chuck mutters, his head resting in his hands. "I think it'd be torture."

"It is, but it pays off. Just look at my killer body." Minho says with a grin, motioning to his torso and legs. The entire group rolls their eyes in unison, all groaning.

"Shut up already about your body!" Newt mutters, pushing his hair up and out of his eyes.

"You're just mad because I'm straight, which means you'll never get to-" 

"Stop!" I shout, cutting Minho off quickly. "There are kids here!"

"It's just the truth. Everyone here knows it." Minho smirks, winking at Newt, whose face has turned beet red.

"We get it. Newt's gay. Let's talk about something else, okay? Something more...kid friendly."

"Okay, mom." Ben replies, a grin on his face. 

"Do you think you'll find anything tomorrow?" Logan asks, staring intently between Minho and Ben. Both Runners shrug in unison.

"Hopefully, but who knows. It could be a colossal waste of time." Ben says.

"We'll never know until we check it out."Minho adds.

"I think it's fascinating." Logan mutters, more to himself than anyone else. The entire group all furrows their eyebrows at the same time, each one of us looking at each other before back at the Greenie.

"What do you mean?" Chuck asks, nudging his friend.

"The whole thing. The Maze, the Runners, the Grievers. I think it's all fascinating. I mean, the idea that the whole thing is one giant puzzle that we need to solve to get out of here is just so insane. Whoever built this place thought all of it out. They know everything there is to know about it."

"Yeah, but being a Runner isn't easy, kid. It comes with a price." I reply, glancing quickly at Newt.

"She's right. Being a Runner is practically signing up for unexpected death. Anything can happen out there. It's all about staying sharp and focused, and having something to hold on to in case something bad does happen." The Keeper of the Runners says, his arms resting lazily on his kneecaps.

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