I'd get on my knees for a man who called me darling😍 🫣

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"Hey, Ven." Gally greets me with a smile, his hands in the pockets of his gray sweatpants. He furrows his eyebrows however when he sees me. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just tired." I reply with a shrug. Gally takes his hands out of his pockets and spreads his arms wide. I smile before walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his torso, his arms wrapping immediately around my body, enveloping me in his warmth. 

Gally places a kiss on the top of my head, arms still wrapped tightly around me.

"Thank you, Galpal." I whisper before pulling away from him.

"Any time, darling." He replies with a smile. I feel my face grow hot at the nickname. Gally doesn't seem to be the type of guy who uses pet names or likes to be called any, but here he is, calling me darling. The word itself makes butterflies swarm my stomach. "Your face is red." He says with a smirk. 

I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

"No really. Is it sunburn or moonburn this time? I can't seem to tell the difference."

"It's a mix of both, I think. I really need to start using a better sunscreen. The one Clint and Jeff use doesn't seem to work very well."

"Really, cause it seems to work just fine for everyone else."

"Women's skin is more sensitive." I reply, trying to fight back a smile. No matter what happens, Gally always goes along with my bits. It's one of the many things I like about him so much.

"Ah, of course. Makes perfect sense."

"Doesn't it?" I ask, tilting my head. Gally smiles, shaking his head. 

"You're ridiculous." He says with a chuckle.

"You love it." I reply with a smile. "Now turn around so I can change."

Gally does, allowing me plenty of time to change into a pair of his sweatpants and one of his old hoodies. He waits until I tell him he can turn around.

"My clothes?" He asks. I nod. "Don't you have like, a million different outfits?"

"Well now I have a whole new wardrobe." I reply with a grin. "What, you don't like it?"

"Trust me, I do." He replies, his eyes scanning up and down my body before landing back on my face. "It's the fact that my very limited outfits keep mysteriously disappearing that's a little strange."

"Hm, I wonder who the culprit is."

"I dunno. It's a mystery to us all." He smiles at me before turning around, pulling his shirt over his head. When he turns around, I can't help my eyes from staring at his body. 

Sure, I'm used to the fact that he sleeps without a shirt on, but I'm not fully used to his muscles yet, nor the scars. 

They were so faint when I first saw him without his shirt that if I weren't looking closely enough, I might've missed them. Now, however, without whatever ointment Clint had been using, they're so much more prominent. It baffles me how I never noticed them before.

I walk over to him and place my hand on his chest, tracing my fingers delicately along the scars. He inhales sharply through his teeth, holding his breath. I let my hand fall and look up at him.

"Sorry." He mutters, running a hand through his hair. "They hurt without the ointment." I place my hand on his arm, bringing his hand down and pressing a kiss to his palm.

"You don't have to apologize about that, Gal." I reply. Slowly, I take his other hand in mine and lead him over to the bed. 

He lays down, me climbing on top so that I'm straddling his waist. And then, slowly, I press my lips against his. Gally brings a hand to the back of my neck, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. 

We're both smiling into the kiss. I let my hands gently trail over his torso, making sure to be extra gentle where his cigar burn scars are. 

I slowly move my lips down, trailing kisses from his jaw to his neck. He lets out a low groan of pleasure as I work soft, gentle kisses across his skin. His hands tighten around my waist as I continue.

"You're perfect." I whisper before placing a tender kiss at a spot behind his ear. Gally's breathing picks up, deep breaths escaping his lips as I continue kissing all over his neck. "So." One kiss to his neck. "Fucking." Another kiss, this time to his jaw. "Perfect." One on his lips.

Gally's hands tighten around my waist once more before he flips us over, him now on top of me.

"Touché." I mutter. Gally grins, pressing a kiss to my lips. The icy, midnight air in the room is replaced by our hot, heavy breaths and body heat mixing together. Everywhere he touches as he trails his hands all over my body tingles, erupting into flames.

My head is foggy and slow, as if I'm underwater and everything's moving in slow motion. It's just him and I. He's kissing me slowly but passionately. 

Eventually, he gets off of me, but not before pressing one more long, lingering kiss to my lips. He pulls me into him from behind, spooning me against his body.

"Hey, Gally?" I ask into the peaceful silence of the room.

"Yes, darling?" He asks. 

"Do you think there's anything out there for us?" I ask. Gally's silent for a while, his body tense against mine. Finally, he says,

"No." He replies shortly, his voice icy cold. "I saw it. It's hell out there. Worse than in here."

"But how-"

"I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm not gonna risk it. I'm perfectly happy right where I am. I don't wanna leave."

"But Gal, there's nothing for us here, either. What if-"

"Ven, trust me. There's nothing out there except utter chaos. It's better if we just stay here where we're at least safe." He falls silent again after that, but his body is still tense. I can tell it bothers him to talk about the world outside of our current prison.

"Goodnight, Gal." I whisper, pressing a kiss to his arm. That seems to ease him up a bit. His arms slacken against me slightly and he presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"Goodnight, Venus." And with those last few words spoken between us, I close my eyes and try to sleep. 

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