Chapter Twenty Seven: Erase

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A/N: We're about to witness a very different side of Yoongi in this chapter but obviously the man isn't his usual self right now. Lets show him some grace lol


Haru blinked. It was all she could do now: stare at Leila and blink back her tears. "How long have you known?" she whispered through the knot in her throat.

"We didn't. None of us knew. It was news to everyone when they walked in." Namjoon spoke for his wife.

"They're just friends," Taehyung added, although he wasn't genuinely sure. His hyung didn't typically bring women around, and it was a shock to watch him grip the woman's hand when they stepped into the venue. It didn't sit right in his eyes, even less in his soul, and he was sure that whatever that was wasn't real.

Haru scoffed. "How do you know?" When no one answered, she shook her head. "This was a mistake." She pushed the mic toward Taehyung's chest and hurried past her companions.

Taehyung's deep voice cut her off. "Noona, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't even try." Her steps faltered, and her hands rolled into tight fists that wrinkled the Manila folder with her last hope inside it. "He deserves this much."

It surprised her to hear the most carefree of the men in this group say something that ingrained itself so deeply into her.

Haru guessed even a broken clock was right twice a day. He was right, Yoongi deserved this.

She turned on her heel and marched towards the curtain before she lost her edge. Taehyung was already smiling, passing her his microphone and holding the curtain aside for her with his other hand. The moment she stepped on stage, it felt like electricity was rippling through her body, and not in an exciting way. It was in a way that halted her steps and sent her heart beating so hard it pained her to breathe.

The crowd on the floor looked at her oddly, waiting for an announcement or a reason the music had been so hastily cut off. She swallowed nervously as her eyes scanned the area for Yoongi. Cocktail tables draped in black tablecloths with lit candles illuminated the dark room and cast dancing shadows over the faces of the guests. She saw Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook standing by the bar, open-mouthed and wide-eyed.

The ambiance Tae had established didn't make her search any easier, but somehow, she found him. Towards the back end of the room, at a table, tired eyes staring back at her, his jaw set tightly in what she could only assume was anger, and a beautiful blonde strapped to his side. The woman, Haru recognized as Cha Jiwon. The model he had been photographed with months back. Her arm was wrapped around his awaiting whatever the random sweaty woman on stage had to say. Haru wondered if Blondie knew who she was. If he had told Jiwon about their past and the thought that those two now shared something more than a friendship made Haru want to jump off the tiny stage and rip the bitches talons of what belonged to her. Except he didn't belong to her.

Harus's eyes darted around the room again, focusing on the dozens of confused eyes that turned to the people beside them, whispering speculations.

From the corner of her eye, she saw security shoot toward the stage, but Namjoon was there instantly. His hand was on the man's chest as he made up an excuse as to why a lunatic was up on the stage. Whatever he said must've worked because the man held his hand up to his ear and said something Haru couldn't decipher, but she gathered he was calling off the hellhounds.

She finally brought the mic to her lips. "H-hi?" But she heard nothing coming through the speakers. She clumsily toggled the switch on the mic, almost dropping the bedazzled green thing in the process. In the most embarrassingly cheesy romcom moment of her life, an ear-splitting screech erupted through the speakers, making people grimace and cover their ears. Except Yoongi who looked very little in shock and more red faced with fury. "Hello," Haru tried again, looking straight at Yoongi. "My name is….I guess it doesn't matter what my name is, but I have something to say, and I'll let you all get back to your party."

Waiting For Us [MYGxOC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora