Chapter Eight: Toni Braxton

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A/N : Disclaimer. If you read Plan B then you know Hyun-Joo is Namjoons sister in my universe. I didn't feel comfortable using her real name and so Hyun Joo was born.


"Okay, let's get this settled now before we leave this weekend." Leila wobbled over to the dry-erase calendar on the kitchen wall. "Who is taking Mia on Friday?"

"Me!" Jungkook bellowed through his and Jin's video call. He was at the studio, while Jin was at a fitting for an event, but as Yoongi was having his weekly coffee with Leila, they decided to get Mia's care for the next couple of days addressed. Leila and Namjoon were leaving on a baby moon before her due date, and they had all agreed to share the load with Mia, but unfortunately, they had been going back and forth all week. "I take her Friday and I drop her off to Yoongi on Saturday."

Yoongi leaned over on his stool to look at the phone. "No, I have a meeting on Saturday. I will take her on Sunday. Jin Hyung can take her on Saturday."

"I can't." Jin cut in. "I have a premiere on Saturday night. Why do you think I'm here? You think I'm getting fitted right now because I would rather be here than home playing video games?"

"Then drop her off to me before the premiere. My meeting should be over by then."

"It's an all-day thing. Jungkook, why don't you take her Saturday?"

"Hyun-Joo and I have plans on Saturday." Jungkook and Namjoon's sister had gotten closer these days despite Namjoon's reluctance. Everyone else was all for Jungkook pursuing something with the woman, but lately, he had been a bit more introverted than usual. When he wasn't in the studio, he was hanging out with Hyun-Joo, which wouldn't have been an issue had he not been neglecting other aspects of his life. Yoongi remembered what that was like, though. Wanting to spend every waking moment with someone in fear that if you were separated too long, you could miss something important.

In the end, he missed a lot.

"So your date is more important than your goddaughter?" Jin snapped.

"No, but-"

"Oh god," Leila rolled her eyes. "It's fine. Don't worry. I'm not going."

"The hell we're not!" Namjoon came storming from down the hall as if he had been listening in on the conversation and waiting for the right moment to join. "You three need to figure it out." He pointed at Yoongi and the two on the video call. "I've been planning this trip for months! Months! So someone's going to take her!"

The four started to bicker about Mia's care, making Leila regret ever agreeing to her husband's plans. They were cutting it extremely close to her due date, anyway. She capped her dry eraser while shaking her head. Since switching to decaf, she was a lot more short-tempered than usual and she wasn't nearly caffeinated enough to deal with them. She started to walk in the direction of her bedroom (because she would prefer to go back to bed than continue with this conversation) when a familiar shooting pain around her middle stopped her.

Braxton Hicks contractions. Those had become her best friends these past couple of months. They were never the real deal, just a handful of scares in which she learned to tell the difference. She braced herself on the fridge, waiting for the pain to pass and her stomach to loosen from its tightly wound state.

"Oh! Lei!" Jin exclaimed when he saw her through the camera. "Toni Braxton?!"

Namjoon quickly turned around to check on her. He'd come to know this happened often, but it always worried him to see her crouched over in pain.

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