Chapter Twelve: The Chop

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Haru liked what she saw in the mirror for the first time in a decade. In her new leather jacket and combat boots, she was reminded of the person she was before she was married. It wasn't as extreme as fishnets and electric blue hair, but it was as close as she could get within the realms of acceptability amongst her peers.

Jean would absolutely loathe this outfit. He'd tell her the jeans are far too dark and the jacket childish and tacky. But Jean wasn't here anymore, was he? No, he was back in France doing God knows what with God knows who and deciding that ignoring his wife's call was the right thing to do.

Haru tried to contact him the entire week, and he had chosen to let every call go to voice mail. She wasn't worried about how he was doing because he seemed to be doing just fine based on his friends' Instagram posts. Out and about in the city of Bordeaux, doing everything from wine tasting to enjoying the nightlife. It was the type of place where he could find a bar or club to hit within ten feet of another. They'd gone there a handful of times when they started dating.

She loved it. He hated it.

Jean humored Haru's interest in the dive bars and clubs at first. She would try to coax him into dancing and drinking with her, but he claimed he was too uncoordinated to get on the dance floor and too much of a lightweight to drink more than a glass of wine. Jean let her have her fun for an hour or so but quickly tired of the atmosphere he described as tasteless and seedy.

Eventually, her nights out were traded for bland dinners with his colleagues and watching movies with him. Now that lifestyle seemed to be right up his alley. No doubt he was living it up as a single man without a care as to if his wife was alright without him.

She'd done this once before; let a man have the time of his life while she waited around for him, and she'd be damn to hell if she ever did it again. She wouldn't stop him if he wanted out if this marriage.

Haru rechecked her appearance and tugged on the bottom of the jacket, trying to pull it over the two inches of midriff that her top exposed. Self-consciousness took the front seat even though she had purposely gone out and picked these clothes herself, to her taste and not anyone else's. She couldn't help herself, as the longer she looked at the leather jacket Yoongi had gifted her, the more Haru realized there was nothing in her closet she could wear it with. Thus, an impromptu shopping spree. Okay, maybe not a spree, more like a frolic where she had gotten herself one outfit to see how she felt in it. And she had to admit that even somewhat timid in it, she felt kind of amazing.

I shouldve grabbed a regular length shirt though.

Before she changed her mind about the shirt, she turned away from her reflection and grabbed her keys. There was no time to worry as the clothes were already on her body, and she didn't want to make Leila late.

When she got there, Namjoon opened the door. He looked frazzled with a burp cloth on his shoulder, and Uri lay against it. "Hi, she's in the bathroom finishing her makeup." Namjoon looked exhausted. His hair stuck out in all directions, bags upon bags under his eyes, and he had more stubble than she ever thought she would see on a poised and "perfect" idol. The newborn stage suited him, obviously.

He didn't wait for Haru to answer or even bother to invite her in. Namjoon barely gave her the once over and just walked away. That's when she saw the stream of white liquid running down his back. Haru started to warn him, but he simply waved her off. "He's just going to throw up on me again. What's the point of changing?!" Haru tried and failed to contain her laugh as she closed the door behind her.

"Ajumeoni!" She heard a little voice shriek from somewhere in the living room. Haru found Mia sitting on the Maknae of the group's lap and waving at her enthusiastically. Her heart melted at what Mia had called her. It made her feel like she was a special part of the little one's life.

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