Chapter Eighteen: Its Complicated

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Haru wished she could lay there forever, encompassed in the safety and peace the arm wrapped around her waist provided. The discomfort of the hardwood floor beneath her didn't matter. She might as well have been floating on cloud nine. Even the pounding headache from an abundance of cheap vodka was easily ignored when she felt this blissful—this unbothered and desired. 

As comfortable as it may have been, she knew it was now morning, and she had to get ready to go back to the hospital with Hanna. That wasn't the only reason she slipped out from under his grasp that morning. The realization was starting to settle into her every being. She was a married woman. Even if her husband had left her, legally, she was still attached to him. And she was under the impression that Yoongi was seeing Cha Jiwon. Haru didn't entirely believe the company's statement about them being friends. It wasn't what Yoongi insinuated to her the morning after his date. He could have been in a full-blown relationship with the model for all she knew. But if that was true, why would he have kissed her? Then again, she was married, so he could ask the same. 

From the doorway, Haru took one last look at him lying on the floor. He had rolled over onto his back, one hand splayed over his chest rising and falling to his light breathing. His hair fell back, exposing delicate and soft features she couldn't help but compare to Jean. Jean had a straight greek nose, squared jaw, and deep-set eyes that caused him to appear like the no-nonsense individual he had grown into in the past years. Everything about him screamed beauty and regality, which was an impossible standard for Haru to meet. Even though he and Yoongi were day and night in every aspect, even Yoongi was an impossible standard to meet. Not only was he handsome and talented. He was famous and prominent worldwide, with a fan base that would tear her apart at the first whiff of any relationship. She was no Cha Jiwon, and even the model had gotten her ass chewed and spit out by netizens. What would they do to the frumpy, married woman that came out of nowhere? However, Haru knew that she and Yoongi had stepped into uncharted territory after those confessions and that kiss and that they would probably never return from it. It would end in disaster again, just like it had back then. 

She didn't have time to dwell on those thoughts this morning as she had more important things to tend to. First, she had to call the financial services department of the hospital and find out how much her mother's overnight visit would set her back. 

Haru found a new pack of toothbrushes in the bathroom, which her mother had bought in case her daughter and son-in-law ever stayed over. After brushing her teeth and setting one aside for Yoongi, she went into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee because she couldn't make this call without caffeine in her system. At least she'd be happily caffeinated when they gave her the numbers. But not even the caffeine helped her aggravation as she was put on hold and passed around from representative to representative like a hot potato for fifteen minutes. Finally, a Ms. Koo Mi-Sun took Haru's call.

Haru gave her mother's information, such as her birthday, address, and phone number, before she could ask any billing questions. The call was going about as normal as it usually went until they got to the billing. Haru inquired about the price of the hospital stay for the previous night, but the representative insisted that there was no bill as it had been paid in full with the card on file. Harus heart immediately went into overdrive, knowing she did not have enough funds in her account to cover the stay. It's why she had never signed up for auto payment. With shaking hands and a surging heart rate, she asked Ms.Koo to give her a moment while she logged into her bank account application.

Yet she found it was exactly as it had been since the last time she used it. "I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have a payment posted on my account. Are you sure you looked up the right patient?" Haru asked. 

"Okay, Ms.Nam, one second," Ms. Koo drawled with an overly friendly voice that must've been part of a work script because no one was that giddy at eight in the morning. "You said her birthdate was April twenty-first nineteen sixty?" 

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