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Music and his Haru.
That was all he had.
That was all he needed.

The two parts that made Min Yoongi a whole.

He couldn't imagine living in a world without one or the other.

And he had never planned to.

The dreams of the seventeen-year-old, which were considered far-fetched to people like his parents and brother, were simple.

He knew he was bigger than Daegu, bigger than a part-time delivery boy who earned less than ten thousand won an hour. He could be bigger than the musicians, rappers, and producers he listened to because he already was in his heart.

He was delusionally confident because if he wasn't, he'd be stuck in Daegu for the rest of his life.

Someone just had to listen.

Someone just had to believe in him.

Someone other than Haru. She was a great support system, but she was also his love which automatically made her his cheerleader. Haru stood behind all his decisions even if they weren't necessarily something she would've done. She was a lot more simple than he was. Her dream was to be with him, however that may be, but he was more complicated. Yoongi wanted her forever, but he also wanted to provide her with more than a tiny two-bedroom and a partner with an entry-level job that paid just enough to keep them afloat. That was a monotonous lifestyle, and he wanted no parts of it.

The underground music scene was competitive and full of raw, unfound potential. When Yoongi first started attending, he'd sneak out of his room at night with friends. Friends which his parent never approved of. Some of his friends competed in small group competitions and even battles. Listening was great for a while, just feeling the beats drum through his chest was enough to fuel him. Soon though, he began to write more, even composing beats on a free program he downloaded on the family computer.

Haru was always there bobbing her head to what at the time felt like the most amazing beats to grace anyone's ears.

It was okay when it was just him and his friends fooling around, but soon they were encouraging him to join battles. Yoongi thought it over as he had nothing to lose because it was just a hobby then. Music was just something to pass the time and take his mind off the disappointment he was instilling in his parents. They didn't like his beats. They said it sounded like nonsense and that he should focus more on what he planned to do after high school. He had started to write in secret as his parents didn't understand, and often he'd get home from school to find pages of sixteen bars in the trash.

His brother seemed to enjoy his music, but he never failed to remind Yoongi that although it was a cool hobby, it was just that. A hobby. He believed Yoongi's nose should've been in a book and that he should've been preparing for a sensible future as hobbies didn't pay the bills.

Eventually, he stopped showing them his music and just opted to play it on an old phone for Haru during lunch breaks in school.

If the weather permitted, they'd sit out in the grass under the shade of their favorite tree. The same one Yoongi had carved their initials into back when they were fourteen with promises that they'd be together, forever as love-struck children often believed.

Their initials on that tree would outlive even them, is what he told her.

The thought that the tree may not be there forever never crossed their minds. Because although they didn't understand that yet, trees could become sick and damaged. At times, poisoning other trees around them because they were linked together and diseases could spread from one tree to another.

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