Chapter Seven: Electric Blue

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A weight had been lifted off of Haru's shoulders that week. After many failed attempts to get her seen, her mother was finally under the care of Dr. Choi.

During an extensive search for a doctor, Haru found that he had raving reviews from current and previous patients. A quick Naver search also showed her all of his accomplishments. Unfortunately, not only was he booked into the following year, but his office also wouldn't take her insurance. Until now.

Haru and Jean were well-off for two people who worked nine to five, just not well enough to add more hospital bills to their lives. Lord knows they had enough of those with the ones Hanna had acquired after her heart attack. It was a lengthy hospital stay, an even lengthier recovery, and all of that added up to overwhelming numbers.

Still, Haru refused to have her husband help her pay for anything. Jean would only throw it in her face, eventually. It wasn't who Jean had always been but who he was now. So, she managed to get on a payment plan with Fatima Hospital. Haru only had to pay a small lump sum every month. Now that she had a higher-paying job with the institute, Haru hoped she could get the bills paid sooner.

Aside from that, Haru was also more at ease at work. She wasn't constantly looking over her shoulder, waiting for Yoongi to show up with his spiteful attitude and unwavering need to disrupt her peace. Not since their truce. Let bygones be bygones, he suggested, because they'd been enemies long enough. She was aware that it didn't mean he hated her any less. It just meant they were willing to stop acting like children about it.

After all, their past was just that. The past. History that neither one had any wish to revisit. Though, Haru would be lying if she said seeing him didn't bring to life those dead and withered butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Shaking his hand alone awakened every nerve ending in her body, bringing forward an ache to embrace him.

Haru was only curious to know if he still felt the same. If his body still molded just as perfectly to hers as it did on the nights he'd lay in her bed. Their legs often tangled together and arms wrapped around one another to keep warm. She hated that the thought ever crossed her mind.

She hated herself even more for wondering what it would feel to be held by him now.

It was wrong to even think about this man when she had a marriage to salvage. But Yoongi reminded her of a simpler time in her life. Then again, puppy love was always simple because it required no true effort other than simply existing. Not the type of effort being married called for, anyway.

Jean was barely saying a word to her after the dinner at her mother's. If he did, it was to inform her he'd be home late. He never asked about her day or how work was going. She had shared with him that her mother had a new doctor, but he didn't so much as ask how the appointment went. It's not like he was home much to ask. Oftentimes, she was already in bed by the time Jean came in.

Haru had grown accustomed to being alone even when Jean was around. So it didn't make much of a difference to her, anyway.

"Okay, Leila-ssi. Today we will cover who, what, when, and where." Haru handed Leila over her workbook and opened to the page they'd be on. Leila scrunched her nose in displeasure as she took it out of her hands.

"Wae, do you still call me Leila-Ssi?"

Haru had learned that Leila was a smartass through and through but couldn't help but giggle at her attempt to use a word before being taught to use it correctly. "Because honorifics are important."

"Can you just call me Leila? Please?"

Haru didn't like it but obliged anyway because Leila was overly sensitive at the moment. Haru had experienced that firsthand ten minutes prior, when Namjoon told her they had run out of pickles. The woman cried. Silently sat there writing in her notebook with tears streaming down her face over some pickles.

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