Chapter Twenty Five: A Bottle For Your Pain

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A/N: heads up, part of this chapter is for my Plan B readers. The OGs lol. I know a lot of you disliked Leila but her pain came from a deep rooted fear of abandonment and anger. A part of me had always wanted to give her the closure she deserves and this could be a open door to giving her that. I like to think of my books as slow burns similar to TV shows and my characters mean a lot to me. I know it's taken a while for me to post but I hope you guys enjoy and forgive me for the long pause and or displeasure of this chapter.

The soft rapping of knuckles sounded on the other side of her door. Haru burrowed herself deeper into her comforter. It had been almost two weeks since Yoongi walked away, and every day was as excruciating as the last. Haru had spent the first few days beating herself up about what had occurred but couldn't believe it had come down to this. She had tried to explain to Yoongi that it was never a lack of love for him but a lack of bravery, and although she had made a mistake, it in no way meant she hadn't loved him. She even admitted as much as he walked away, blatantly ignoring her. Haru understood he would be angry with her, but to cut her out again felt like a low blow. The worst kind of retribution for her mistake, and it angered her that he wouldn't let her explain. Knowing she had played the most damaging part and Yoongi had warned her this would happen, it was still shocking to hear him say he was done with her. It was a hard pill to swallow, knowing nothing she said could fix it now.

Another knock on the door. This time, followed by a sigh. "Ru?" She didn't want to be bothered by anyone, least of all the person on the other side. She wasn't even sure why he was there to begin with.

A shivering, crying, and soaking-wet Haru walked into her apartment. Jean shot up from the couch as he took in her appearance. "Oh my god." He hurried to grab a towel from the bathroom and returned to wrap it around her, but she lightly pushed him off. She just wanted her bed, but again, he tried. "You're shaking." He informed her as if she couldn't feel her teeth chattering against each other.

"Stop," Haru mumbled, moving away from him, far too exhausted to handle Jean at the moment.

"You're going to catch a cold." When he tried to wrap the towel around her shoulders this time, Haru had had enough. Mainly because the more she thought about it, the more obvious it became that Jean and Yoongi had had some conversation she was not privy to. How else would Yoongi have found out she hadn't asked Jean for the divorce yet? Why else would he have asked her to relay a message to her husband?

"Fucking stop!" She pushed him off as hard as she could.

"I'm only trying to help." He defended.

"Don't you listen?" What came pouring out of her then was a culmination of all the stress and anger she had accumulated over the years, especially in the past couple of days. "Don't you listen to anything anyone but you says? I said stop. I said leave me alone! But you can't fucking listen. It's always about you. About how you feel, what you need, and what you want. What about what I want, huh?!"

"I'm assuming this has nothing to do with a towel and everything to do with him."

"What did you do? What did you say to him?"

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