Chapter Twenty Two: Be Mine

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The turn of the knob happened excruciatingly slowly while Haru sat on her couch, knees bent, arms hanging over them as she waited for Jean to enter. He did so with a smile that somehow looked misplaced, forced even. His eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion towards her. Jean was one of the most handsome men she had ever set sights on, but now she couldn't seem to find a single attractive thing about him. Not when he looked at her like that. Like she had ruined his life as he hated her.

"Wow, look at my lovely wife." He gestured towards her.

"Thank you so much for picking me up from the airport. How loving of you." He shot sarcastically as he shut the door and dragged his luggage to a corner of the living room.

He infuriated her so much that she had half a mind to hop off the couch and strangle him with his own shoelaces. "Oh, I'm your wife now?" She sneered.

"Well, I thought you were until I saw a photo of you and the pride of South Korea practically snogging in a parking lot."

"What?" Haru wasn't sure what the hell he was going on about, but he clearly knew something about the nature of her and Yoongi's relationship. Haru didn't understand. Had photos of them leaked? They were careful. Always. But she guessed if that was the case, then it was time for her to explain to Jean what had happened.

"What?" He mimicked her with an eye roll. "Don't play fucking dumb, Ru."

His tone took her aback. Often he would make snarky remarks and almost belittle her, but this time, it was accompanied by a detestation she hadn't seen in him before. "Jean, who the fuck are you talking to?"

"I don't know," He let out a humorless chortle. "That teenage girl sitting on my couch, maybe? I thought it'd be my wife here, but apparently not because all I see is a little girl in a band tee and ripped jeans. Hacked your hair at home, too, it seems. Don't you think you're a little too old to be looking like that?"

Oh, so this is how we're playing it.

"And don't you think you're a little too old to throw shots because your ego is bruised?"

"No, my ego isn't bruised, darling. Your actions have completely obliterated it."

"My actions? Mine? Like you didn't up and leave three months ago? Like you didn't ignore every one of my calls and texts while you did, God knows what?"

"God knows what?" His eyes widened in disbelief. "Haru, I went to work as I told you I would, and yeah, maybe some nights I went out and had a drink with friends, but I fucking deserved it after the bullshit I was living with here."

There he went again. He made it seem like she made his life so complicated that it forced him to run off on her. "What bullshit? Please elaborate!" Haru rose from the couch to stand before the man she seemed to know anymore, barely even.

"You! Your bullshit." He pointed an accusatory finger in her face. "All eight years of your bullshit!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Haru, please," his brows knitted together, his shoulders fell, and now he looked less angry but almost defeated. When he spoke, his voice was low and pained. "Why do you insist on acting like you don't know what I'm talking about?"

"Because I don't."

"Okay, you want me to say it? Fine." Jean ran a hand through his blonde hair in frustration. "Of your long lost first love broken hearted bullshit. Of you moving through our life without wanting to be here because you always wished to be with him. Of the way this wedding ring," He gruffly took hold of her hand only to realize that she didn't even wear her ring anymore. He paused momentarily to stare at her empty finger before pushing her hand away. He swallowed down the knot in his throat and continued to speak. She had taken it off once she decided to give Yoongi her attention. Although she did not regret it, the look on Jean's face did cause a tightening in her chest. "weighs so heavy on your fucking finger, and how I never amounted to anything in your book because you've been hung up on a guy who abandoned you over a decade ago!"

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