Chapter Nineteen: The Emperor's Apology

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"So, are you guys going out or staying in?"

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"So, are you guys going out or staying in?"

Haru assessed the black satin midi dress she tried on while Leila waited outside the dressing room. The dress came just below her knees, trimmed at the hem and v-shaped neckline with black lace. The slip dress subtly clung to her body but was still loose enough that she wouldn't feel like it was suffocating her during dinner with Yoongi. Still, the silk felt too expensive against her skin, making her check the price tag hanging from the side of the garment.

Yeah, I'm not walking out of here with this.

Haru kicked herself for not realizing how high-end this store was when she walked in. The fancy suede chair Leila was sitting in, and the woman who offered them a glass of water should've been a dead giveaway. Never had she walked into a clothing store and been offered anything except her receipt at the end of her purchase. Now she felt like she had wasted her time, but God, she loved the dress.

"Staying in. He said to meet him at his place." She replied as she adjusted the thin straps of the dress on her shoulders.

Leila was silent for a second before asking another question. "And you're comfortable doing that?" Haru wasn't sure herself. Yoongi wasn't a stranger or a man she had just met on a dating app. They had known each other since they were children, and it's not like they hadn't already spent time alone together. Yet the thought of being in his home, in his space, was overwhelming. They had already crossed a line when they kissed, and she worried that more would be expected of her tonight. More than anything, she was worried that she would let something beyond the realms of kissing happen. Haru couldn't admit that, though. She had already said yes to Yoongi and wanted to have dinner with him.

She pulled the curtain back so Leila could give her an opinion on the dress she wouldn't purchase. "How's it look?" Haru asked, fixing the straps again.

"I like it! Very vintage lingerie vibes, but you know, tasteful." Leila clarified when she saw Haru's eyes almost bulge at the mention of lingerie. "Throw on some boots and a leather jacket, and it'll look very rocker chic." Haru turned to a nearby mirror, smoothing the dress over her stomach to soothe the knots growing tighter the longer she thought about seeing him for dinner. "So are you?" Leila repeated. With a tilt of her head, Haru pretended not to understand Leila's question, to which Leila only snickered. "Yeah, I'm going to take that as a redundant no."

Haru sighed and shook her head. "It's not that." She looked up towards the ceiling until she could come up with a dignified response. "I'm not uncomfortable around him because I've known him. The real him. Our situation just isn't normal, and that's what makes this so difficult."

"What about it isn't normal?"

"Maybe the fact that I'm married?"

Leila considered Haru's answer for a moment before asking the obvious question. "Do you plan on staying married? I mean, he's gone."

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