Chapter Six: Just One Day

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Wednesdays were supposed to be Yoongis morning coffee dates with his best friend, but she hadn't been picking up his calls to confirm in the past four days.

She was pregnant and irritable with everyone, so he tried not to take it personally, but as he grabbed himself a coffee from the cafeteria, he couldn't help but be offended. Yoongi always looked forward to their seven am coffee sit-downs on Namjoon's balcony.

Once he had his mediocre coffee in hand, he made his way towards the studios, looking for an answer. He found the door to RKIVE open, and upon entering saw Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok gathered around Namjoon's computer while they listened to a new track.

"Morning." Yoongi sat down on Namjoon's brown leather couch. They barely greeted him back, too entranced by what Namjoon was playing to pay him any mind. A minute later, they were done listening and sat beside him.

"You're here early," Jin announced, checking his watch. "It's not even noon yet. You're usually out on Wednesday mornings."

Yoongi shrugged and sipped his coffee. The watered-down taste caused him to pull the cup back and gape at it in disgust. It reminded him that he should ask Namjoon what the hell Leila's problem was and why she had forced him to drink shitty coffee on his one decent coffee day. Or maybe he just thought her coffee was good because it was free, and he wasn't overpaying for water with an insulting splash of espresso.

"Namjoon-ah. What's the matter with your wife? She hasn't answered any of my calls." Yoongi set his coffee on the table before him, deciding that it was too offensive to his palette to consume.

"Oh!" Namjoon replied rather chipperly. "She's mad at you."

"Ooo, you're in trouble." Jin pointed at Yoongi mockingly. They had dubbed her attitude during pregnancy as The Wrath Of Leila. Getting in trouble with her usually resulted in a lot of apologizing, which included junk food offerings to the demon that would occasionally possess her body.

Yoongi looked at the back of Namjoon's head and tried to remember what he had done to upset the man's wife. Then recalled that Namjoon sometimes liked to blame them to avoid the wrath. "Did you burn out the blender shredding chicken breast again and tell her I did it?! I'm not taking the fall for you this time!"

The last time he took the fall for Namjoon, Leila didn't talk to him for a week. When she finally called, it was to make him take her to the appliance store. She picked out a blender four times the price of the original, which he, of course, had to pay for. Namjoon reimbursed him, but that was beside the point. He refused to be on the receiving end of the pregnant woman's backlash this time.

"No, no, Hyung. I had nothing to do with it this time." Namjoon turned his chair to the group. "And frankly, I'm a little upset with you, as well."

"Damn, what did you do?" Hoseok chimed in.

"With me?" Yoongi pointed to himself. "I didn't do anything." He defended.

"Oh, no?" Namjoon leaned forward in his chair. "Hyung, who is Nam Haru?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Not her again. "Are you serious? Does it even matter?"

"Who's Nam Haru?" Hoseok looked between the two.

Jin looked at Yoongi. "Nam Haru? Why does that sound so familiar?"

"Because they dated for YEARS!" Namjoon replied with the type of sass Yoongi was sure he had learned from the women in his household.

"Haru!" Jin clapped when he pieced it together, thanks to Namjoon. "Aww, I used to let you borrow money so you could send her flowers! It was cute."

Hoseok nodded along with him. "Oh yeah! That was pre-debut?"

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