Chapter Twenty One: Twisted

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Jean couldn't tear his eyes from the screen. Thirty minutes now, he'd been staring at the attachment of photos delivered to his email inbox. He had hired someone to provide these. Had ultimately asked for these and believed they could come, but hoped they wouldn't.

Because she was his wife. His wife. Not the wife of the man with his arms wrapped around her waist, face mere inches from hers in the middle of a parking lot.

Jean could admit that maybe he played a part in this situation. He had left Haru in South Korea and wasn't necessarily returning any of her calls or messages, but he felt those times she had reached out to have been forced on her part. The few times she had tried to contact him, she had done it because it was what Haru thought she had to do as his wife, not because she wanted to. Not because she wanted him back home or by her side. It was evident when he announced his departure that she had no qualms about letting him go. Haru didn't fight for him to stay; she didn't attempt to work it out or mend the distance between them. She sat on the couch and watched him pack his things, she watched him walk out of the door, and made no attempt to stop him. Then again, she had stopped making attempts long ago.

Jean had hoped that his leaving would bring her back somehow. That Haru would get on the next plane to France and be with him. He waited, convincing himself that distance made the heart grow fonder, but hers had just grown farther. Farther away from him and closer to someone else's.

Things had been rocky for as long as he could remember. He tried to ignore it in the early years and move on, even knowing that he would never be the man she truly wanted. Back then, it was a consolation that the man who had truly owned her heart was thousands of miles away while they started their relationship in France. But he was always there. He was lurking in the corners of her drawers in the form of old t-shirts or love letters. It's why Jean pushed for a change in her wardrobe. If he could get her out of those old clothes, he could probably get her out of his old shirts, and if Jean could make her fall in love with him, he could get rid of those letters too.

With time it worked; he had managed to erase any memory of Yoongi from her life. He thought they could be happy, but she was always in a disconnected state. Love with Haru was the equivalent of calling her name repeatedly, and although she could hear you, she would ignore you, only responding when she wanted you to shut up. Like she would force her affections and romance to keep Jean happy, she gave him just enough to keep him while always holding him at arm's length. Loving Haru was knowing that she could be in his arms, but her heart would always be in someone else's hands.

Jean didn't count on the presence of the very man he had tried so damnly to cut from their lives to take residence in her life again. Moving to South Korea was something Jean tried to convince Haru against. It would be best if they could bring Hanna to France because then Haru wouldn't have to step foot in a place so strongly tied to that man. She vehemently refused, and so did her mother, who probably went against it to spite Jean, whom she didn't hide she hated.

So they moved there, against Jean's better judgment, only to have it blow up in his face exactly as he knew it would. Sure, they weren't perfect back in France, but they were a hundred times better off than before Min Yoongi stepped back into their lives.

Now there he was again, taking a place that no longer belonged to him, with his arms around her waist and his face too close for comfort. And Jean simply couldn't compete.

"You son of a bitch." Jean growled as he aggressively tapped the mouse to see the next photo. There he was again, opening the car door for Jean's wife outside Jean's mother-in-law's apartment building. Even though he was covered from head to toe in black, barely any part visible due to a hat and mask, Jean knew it was Yoongi. Again he clicked the following picture of both entering the apartment building together, and the next one was Yoongi, still in disguise, exiting the apartment building alone in broad daylight. According to the time stamp, he had stayed the night, which could only mean one thing.

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