Chapter Two: First Day Jitters

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Haru had lost count of how many times she had changed in and out of outfits that morning. She was a panicked mess at the moment. Her stomach was in knots, causing her to become nauseous at the thought of her first day of work.

What if her student was an awful person? There had to be a reason two other tutors had been dismissed. Would she be the third? Would her choice of clothing even make a difference?

She was about to find out for herself because within an hour she'd be leaving the house to the address she had been texted that morning. She couldn't shake the first day jitters, and a quick Naver search confirmed that the address was to a complex that commonly housed celebrities. Which only put her even more on edge. Due to the NDA she signed, it didn't surprise her, but it still made her nervous to confirm that she'd be working directly with the wife of someone important. It would probably be a snarky woman dressed in brands Haru would never be able to afford and treated her as the help. Given, she technically would be, and that was fine by her. The pay is what mattered. She just needed to make enough to help her mother with her hospital bills and not need to ask Jean for help.

In the end, Haru opted for a white midi sundress with baby blue flower patterns and a matching blue cardigan. Her husband had picked this dress out years ago while the couple shopped for spring and summer attire. He had pried a studded leather jacket out of her hand and replaced it with the dress instead.

"You don't have to get it mon amour, but it would make me very happy to see you try it on."

And so she did, and the way his blue eyes lit up at the sight of her in the strappy summer dress was enough to make her forget all about that leather jacket. He would look at her like she was the most amazing thing he'd ever set eyes on back then. Jean never looked at her that way anymore but, maybe she had stopped looking at him that way a long time ago too.

They'd once been happy. Maybe even the happiest when they were just dating and not trying to achieve some twisted idea of a perfect marriage. An idea that forced them into the dull and monotonous lifestyle they lived today.

Jean Blanchet was the first friend Haru made at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. She had spent the first couple of months alone, dorming with another scholarship awarded girl named Jane, who didn't care to be her friend.

Haru's then boyfriend's idol career had taken off. He never really called, barely ever texted, and the last time she had had any contact with him was when she revealed to him she'd be leaving South Korea to study linguistics. He had been a little sad about it then, but she had deferred her scholarship for two years waiting around for him and was bound to lose it. He never came home after the debut anyway and she figured that if she had to wait for him, she might as well do it with an education and career of her own in France.

Jean plopped himself down at her lunch table one day and started making small talk about what classes she was taking that semester. Although Jean was handsome and charismatic, he was her complete opposite. Where her hair was dark, his was blonde. Her skin was fair, but he was the most perfect shade of sun-kissed. Like he spent all summer sunbathing at Deauville Beach. Where her leather jackets and ripped jeans ended, his khaki slacks and sweater vests began. He wasn't her type nor was she interested, but he quickly became a good friend. Her only friend.

Jean was sweet and caring. They grew closer every day. He helped her with her French, Haru helped him with his Korean. He'd show her all the most beautiful places in Paris and never failed to remind her that none of those sceneries compared to her beauty. She resisted his advances time and time again, but her loneliness and six months without contact led her to believe that she probably didn't even have a boyfriend anymore. Eventually, Jean wore her out with sweet words and even sweeter gestures, and her feelings for him grew.

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