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Chapter 24


You were in front of the tent with the team. Wood was holding the cup in one hand while shaking harry's shoulder with the other. The poor boy had been captured by the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team who was crying and thanking him in repeat. You were at Angelina's side, she was talking with Fred while George, next to him was looking at you with an intense gaze. His eyes seemed to be stuck on you. You couldn't look away either, the frustration felt earlier was still here, buried in yourself. Suddenly, you realised you were alone, for the group had walked inside. Under his look, you broke, you looked down and embarrassed you went to follow the others ; but George took you forearm and turned you over. He towered you and you could feel his grip getting tighter. What was he doing ? You were confused but your heart never beat this hard. You felt it beat in your all body. And you were hot. So hot.

'You didn't congratulated me yet.'

'I meant to.' You said with a shaking voice.

'You can do it now.'

'Congratulation.' You said. 'Congratulation George.'

He dashed over you, pulling your arm toward him, gripping your hair with the other hand, pressing his body unto yours and kissing you roughly. How to describe how you felt except that you burned for the act was wrong but felt so right. You exploded, instantly opened the barrier of your soul, free from this hate. You kissed him back, slipping your tongue in his mouth. Nothing mattered anymore, you just wanted him. His arms grabbed your waist then your butt and he strongly lifted you in the air. Your hands unbelt his pants, he put you down, you kneeled and—

'AAAAAAAAAARGH' you screamed waking up in your dorm. You jumped out of bed ignoring Angelina's heart attack at your sudden cry. You ran to the bathroom, opened the water and started rinsing your mouth crazily. You could NOT believe you dreamed of George and especially doing THAT to him.

Angelina's snore informed you she had fallen asleep again. A girl your age, your roommate Victoria appeared at the door.

'Wha' happened ?' mumbled Victoria rubbing her eyes.

You splashed you face one last time then leaned towards the mirror.


She crossed her arms frowning for she still tried to adapt her vision. You prayed she wouldn't ask about the object of this bad dream because you couldn't bare to say it out loud.

'Well better forget about it. Today's the Potions O.W.Ls. Though you could do it in your sleep.'

You came back to earth. It was just a bad dream. You looked at yourself in the mirror and the eye bags that wore your face. Three days into the exam season and you felt it. Even the twins had been spotted working. The twins, George. You shook your head on the verge of vomit and went back to bed. Before falling asleep again, you pulled out of your pillow the Marauder's Map. Harry was in his dorm, sleeping. Everything was right. Except that you couldn't fall asleep without imagining George and you doing...Ew. For your defense it was because lately things had changed between you and him. Since that exchange at the game, or more that non-exchange, he had been looking at you everyday, every time you two were near each others.

All waiting for the doors to open, Angelina joined you before the Great Hall which was used for the O.W.Ls since the last two weeks. Snape appeared behind you and separated the crowd with his dark aura, giving the majority of students chills to their bones. Fred called you from afar then ran to catch up with you, he seemed desperate and on the verge of fainting.

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