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When you woke up this morning, you were awakened by the howl of agony of a strange, large, massive animal. What was that terrible noise ? It was like an ogre had a fever. Or was dying.

You soon realise it was only a snore.

Angelina had never snored like that you thought. Wow she had a diseased at that point.

You opened your eyes slowly, to the red curtains of your bed. You were tired, but happy that no nightmares had disturbed your sleep this night. Actually, you spelt pretty well, better than those last few days. Something felt strange however. Your pillow was heavy on your waist and your bed seemed cozier and warmer than usual. You felt good, like you wanted to lie in all morning.

'Fred ! Stop snoring for Godric's sake !' Said a low voice.

THUD. The sound of a pillow being thrown was heard.

You opened your eyes instantly and stood up abruptly. FRED ?
The reality hit you like a hard wall.

This wasn't your bed, this wasn't your curtains and this wasn't your dorm.

Turning your head, you then saw George, laying next to you, an arm wrapped around your waist. You gasped but as soon as you moved, George brung you to him closely in his sleep, his head in his pillow, hair messy.

'Stop moving.' He said half asleep.

'What the-...Don't touch me like that !' You screamed lowly.

'George stop talking in your sleep too. It's the second time you talk about this mysterious Hufflepuff girl in your sleep.'

George rose up instantly, and looked at you with wide opened, embarrassed, eyes. But you, you crossed your arms looking furiously irritated. Who was that Hufflepuff girl first of all ?

Then you two blushed and looked away for you realised in what situation you both were. But what happened last night ? You still had your clothes. You were asleep on the couch of the of the common room and then...Well you couldn't have sleepwalked your way into George's bed. Did you ? No. Did you really ? No.

Suddenly the curtain at your side moved roughly. George and you glanced at each other.

'Why is you curtain shut ? Is that a locking spell ?' Said Fred with a broken voice.

You two looked panicky at one another other. Mouthing questions and insults to each other. Fred tried once more to open the curtain. What to do now, there was no escape. You searched a way out, somewhere to hide but really ? There was nothing you could do. You flung the cover over your head and hid in the bed, like you could dig a whole in it and you held your breath. Fred took every pillow on his bed and covered you with it until suddenly the light blinded his eyes and Fred stood up before him his wand in hand as he had opened his brother's curtains with a spell.

'What the hell ? Were you jerking off ? Come on Quidditch Practice.'

Eyes still close, rubbing them to woke them up, Fred headed to the bathroom without another look.

'Yep coming.' Said George with a weird voice. 'Shut the curtains you jackass, I am not awake yet.'

'Urgh, naughty sleeping beauty are you ?'

George laughed awkwardly and as soon as Fred shut the curtain you gasped for air.

You tried to breath again without making much noise while George shook your shoulders gently.

Once calmed you two became embarrassed again.

'Spell of quiet.' You said pointing at the curtains around you two.

Pranks and Perks (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now