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Chapter 22 : 

The final match of the Quidditch Season was probably the most awaited one, mind you, nobody was more excited about this match than Harry. Surely nobody wanted to win this game more than Harry and the prospect of beating Draco Malfoy was more than motivating him. As for you, even if you were excited for the game this afternoon, you were more concentrated on the O.W.Ls the two weeks that followed. That was why when everybody was making excited noises at breakfast the morning of the game, you were reading quietly, practicing a transfiguration spell on your plate.

'When will drop this book and encourage me for my game ?' Asked Fred who had sat next to you.

He moved his arms around your shoulder but you slapped him with your book instantly. George, seated just before you visibly tensed his all body. You unconsciously laughed off of embarrassment, as if you had done something wrong. As if he was your-

'GO GRYFFINDOR !' Screamed someone entering the great hall, catching your attention. That's right, there was the match this afternoon. You felt weird. The past weeks every time you were near George, you tried to speak to him. Maybe it hurt you more than you thought to be ignored by him. Since the incident of the kiss, since you had accompanied him to the infirmary, you had completely changed. But you ignored it. It was like having being closed to him had made you eager to be closer everyday. But you weren't sure. And you hadn't time for that anyway; Harry was alla that matter.

You followed him everywhere. And you ad the map which Lupin had confiscated from Harry himself. People started to move out of the Great Hall heading to the pitch. When George started wrapping up his stuff you felt your body move on its own. You stood up abruptly. He looked at you weirdly and stood up slowly. This disgusted eyes made you feel worse than you had been for weeks. Everything had happened, you had tons of pressure on your shoulders, but why did this ignorance, this resentment from George Weasley, who you hated the most, made you felt like the worst. Your heart béate like a bomb in your chest and you couldn't hold it anymore. You where hurt and angry. You wrapped up your stuff in a hurry and left in a draught of wind mumbling to him.

'Good luck for the game.'

The boy clenched his fists, chest moving up and down, wondering if he should follow you and kill you because you had, in his opinion, not any excuse to be angry at him. His brother's voice made him come back to earth.

'What is the matter with Y/n ?'

'Don't know, don't care.' Said George.

You decided to go on a walk to empty your head, joining the quidditch pitch later since the game only began in an hour. You went towards the lake but on your way something caught your attention. There was movement near Hagrid's Hut, something had made a whole group of birds fly out the trees. Curious, you looked to see if nobody was around and went to see what had caused this urgent fly away. The huge trees which drew the limits of the forbidden forest were looking down at down you but you still entered the edge of the forest. The distant sound of a crow resounding in this dark and chilling place made you jumped and sweat. Suddenly there was a voice, some low growl, heavy dark distant voice. Repeating something incoherent that you didn't heard quite right. You wondered with your whole being what was that voice saying.

'Yuz-yuz-yuz. years.'

Your step became more hesitant when suddenly. CRACK. You stepped on a fallen branch. A shadow moved right before you before something brushed your leg and you squealed falling on your bottom gripping your bag like a last defense. You looked startled and heart racing to your left and right, alarmed and scared. Thankfully you only found Hermione's cat purring next to your leg.

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