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Looking at the three Gryffindors before you, surrounded by the chatter of students flooding in the corridors, you were awaiting for an explanation, deeply confused by their behavior. Something was odd with them, especially because they had acted as if they didn't know Roger was into when they had been claiming otherwise a few minutes ago. Angelina was opening and closing her mouth but no sound could come from her, as if she was thinking hard on what to say and how to say it. Lee was scratching the back of his head but he was smiling at you with a face, you could tell, was telling how embarrassed he was. Alicia, she, was just completely lost.

'What's the matter with you guys ? I don't find it funny if you meant it to be a joke.' You said furrowing your brows.

A loud drum of steps caught your attention suddenly, you turned to face the stairs that led out of the dungeons and found Cedric running to you. Behind you, the three Gryffindors sighted out of relief. Cedric came dashing to you, all excited and smiling. You never saw this happy. He crushed his lips unto your cheek, lifting you in the air while you blushed madly knowing Angelina and the others would ramble about it afterwards. But right now all you wanted to know was what we were about to celebrate. Obviously he was super happy and knowing he had Herbology just before, it clicked you instantly.

'Have you been made Quidditch Captain ?' You asked excitedly while he dropped gently on the ground.

Cedric nodded strongly, you gasped.

'Oh Cedric I am so proud of you ! I knew it. I simply knew !' You jumped to his neck.

You ignored the giggles and whispers that surrounded you because you felt this wonderful happiness for you friend. The love you had for him, the love you had for Cedric was beyond everything else. You could follow him to death, you could die or kill for him, simply because he was always there when you needed it. He always cheered you up, defended you, cared for you. After five years together, you had created a bond so strong that only death could tear you apart. You knew it meant a lot to him, because he always wanted to make his parents proud but also because Cedric longed for achievements and glory. As everybody do somehow. Now it was his moment.

'Thank you.' He said kissing you again.

You giggled louder when he began teasing you, ruffling you hair in a hug excitedly. When the the two of you came back to earth, Angelina was smiling meaningfully at you. You rolled your eyes, you had forgotten about the moment earlier and Lee congratulated Cedric.

'You still for your own house though ?' Asked the commentator eagerly.

Four intense gaze fell on you, you fumbled for words. Support Cedric, support your house and ego.

'Aren't you hungry suddenly ?' You said beginning to march upstairs.

'Y/n ?' They all said together, eager ton hear your answer.

They began to slowly approach you, threatening. You raised your brows to them and set off to lunch in a run, chased by your friends, all of you laughing like kids.


The Great Hall was crowded at lunch when you arrived. You found a seat next to Hermione and ended in front of Harry. Cedric had went with his own house and without him being here you grew a nervous feeling. He had made you forget about pretty much all the trouble of yesterday but now, you were quite nervous at the idea that people would make fun of you for the juice incident. The Golden Trio were excitedly discussing Hagrid's class this afternoon right after lunch. But they also were discussing this morning first Divination's class. People around you didn't seem to care about you nor to tease you about anything, so finally you breathed and helped yourself with sandwiches.

Pranks and Perks (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now