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   You arrived in the Entrance Hall, dashing out of the large doors, distantly catching Dumbledores words as he tried to calm the school. George was following you closely. He had crumbs in his hairs and was sweeping pumpkin cream away from his eyes and mouth. All you could think about was how to get rid of him, literally. How to kill him, make his body disappear after the crime and how to erase all remaining evidence of the murder. How could he be so childish. You had only answered to his provocation because he had made you fly off the handle. How could he be so ruthless, so rude, so sly ? Spilling juice all over you, in front of everyone. Deep down in you, what hurt you the most was that as boys this would just be forgotten in days. As a girl, this was a much more lasting topics.

   You stopped at the middle of the stairs while he was at the end of them, a hand on the stone handrail and a feet on the first step ready to jump to catch your pace. He had the brows furrowed in anger. You were frowning too but your eyes reflected such fury that a strange emotion crossed his face. You both looked at each other in an intense exchange of silent insults ; but still tears were threatening to burst at the corner of your eyes. A mix of anger, vulnerability, madness and sadness was plastered on your face, George didn't seemed to care in your opinion, he looked emotionless. Of course you didn't expect pity from him, nor sympathy, but still.

   You were ready to let all the words bursted out of your mouth when suddenly a voice resounded from the doors. Professor McGonagall had appeared out of them and was searching for you both. George and you exchanged a last loathing look before looking at the ground, a fascinating ground suddenly, as the very strict and scary lady approached you in a furious storm. You never thought you would ever feel the need to be out of Hogwarts, but at this moment, you could really do anything but being here.

   'Miss Y/l/n ! Mr. Weasley ! AH ! There you are ! REALLY YOU TWO ! YOU-' she fumbled for words out of anger and desperation, you had never seen her like that. She went on rumbling about how your attitude was such a disgrace to the school and the house of Gryffindor. She spoke so fast and so tight that you could only catch a bundle of words such as : 'ridiculous' ,'unacceptable', 'rubbish', 'juice', 'acting like a bumbling bands of baboons !'. It was horrible and you felt terrible.

    'Seriously what were you thinking, both of you, exposing yourself like that in front of the whole school, the teachers and even the Headmaster ! Now I believe your parents will be really disappointed by such manners, I'll write to them right now. And you too will be having a month if not a year of detention...' Her lips had never been this pinched before, they completely had disappeared and she was moving her hands way too much. 'Miss Y/l/n I expected much better of you, you are in great trouble and you Mr. Weasley what a way to start the...'

   'Professors McGongall.'

   You three looked behind McGonagall's back as the Headmaster, professor Albus Dumbledore, who was standing there, followed by Fred and professor Lupin, who you didn't knew about much expect that he was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He looked quite amused actually though terribly tired.

   'I believe, professor...' Began Dumbledore very calmly but amused. 'That both Misters Weasley here (he pointed at the twins), and Miss Y/l/n are much aware of their behaviors, though this perpetual silly fight has been lasting over the past five years (Lupin gave a surprised look at the word 'five' and you raised your head a the word 'silly' looking pridefully hurt). Also that it was not in their intentions to draw shame on the Gryffindor house, they couldn't even if they tried, wouldn't you agree ?' Professor Dumbledore stared at her with eyes sparkling in malice which resulted in McGonagall huffing and puffing in disdain.

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