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Prefects at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry always had played an important role during the school year, at least that is what reckoned very strongly a student called Percy Weasley. As he was putting it in a speech that he had work on for all summer, it was a honor to be named such a high distinction, it was a sign of trust, a moral contract between the student and the school, a job which required the strongest minds and the most trustworthy.

For about an hour or so (you had lost the notion of time but it seemed like an eternity), seated in the prefect's compartment next to your best friend : Cedric Diggory, a kind and handsome Hufflepuff boy, you two were listening distantly to the red curly haired young man ; because your eyes and mind were to occupied with his Head Boy's badge (which seemed to have be bewitched to show BigHead Boy now). Percy was standing in front of the little group more grandiloquent and uptight than ever.

'Don't forget that you are to be a prefect for the rest of your schooling at Hogwarts, which means that you could be also chosen to be Head Boy -like me- or Girl.' said Percy pointing at himself with his fingers.

It caused his badge to bounce a little on his robe and made you and Cedric straighten up trying not to explode of laughter. You attempted not to laugh or to giggle but it only took a glimpse at each other for you to muffled a laugh in your fist while Cedric's shoulder was trembling. Percy quickly glanced at you both disapprovingly and you faked being totally still and listening, nodding in silence as if you agreed to every of his words. The other students there didn't seemed to have noticed his badge, mostly because they were slowly falling asleep. The only noises apart from Percy's blabber was some yawning covered by the howling of the wind and the wild drum of the rain on the train.

What could you say ? He was really boring, you thought. You looked once more at his badge, but this time he seemed to noticed it because his ears went bright red. Poor Percy, now that you thought about it, you were sure it was one of his stupid brother's joke, which made you tensed a bit. Cedric noticed your sudden change of mood, you were all serious again. When Percy finished his blabber he leaned in your ear and the other boys and girls stood up, finally free from this torture. Soon Cedric and you were left alone, a distant muffled  roll approaching you both.

'What's gotten into you ?'he asked.

'Nothing.' You said.

You didn't wanted to answer, because it was like admitting that you had laugh at one of the twins joke, and this was worst than death. You hated the Weasley twins. The drum became a bit louder and nearer, you stared at the slide-door as if some magical thing could save you from this situation.

'Nothing at all.' you said absently. 'Percy's right, that's all, it's very serious to be a prefect. I am taking it very seriously, and you should too.'

Cedric looked at you jaw dropped, he couldn't believe you had said that, he knew you were lying but as he opened his mouth to protest, the roll outside the compartment stopped and the food trolley appeared in the open of the door. You jumped on your feet and dashed towards it grabbing Cedric's hands, and Cedric entirely, to the sliding door.

'Anything sweet for y-' 

'One Liquorice Wand, one Chocolate Frog and two Pumpkin Pasties, please. Wait- no. Only one chocolate frog and one pumpkin pasties'. You had say it so fast, in one breath, before the lady with the trolley had even reached the sight of you and had even ended her sentence. 

She still smiled at you, after a little surprise crossed her face and gave you your sweets while you search for gold in your pockets. Cedric looked at you a bit surprised for a  split second and the lady looked at him waiting for his order. 'O-one Liquorice Wand.'

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