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The night of Halloween, terrible event had shaken the castle for Sirius Black had been witnessed by the Fat Lady who had fled from her ripped painting. You were mortified by the news, scared and anxious knowing he was there, knowing he had passed the dementors.

    As a precaution Dumbledore had gathered all students in the Great Hall. Prefects had been assigned to take turns along with teachers (Percy was extremely satisfied to feel useful to Dumbledore, he took his role very seriously).

    With extreme luck, and hours of harassing Percy, who had not forget about the teashop incident, Cedric and You had been assigned at the same time for the round. You were standing in front of the Great Hall doors at nearly half past nine. Cedric was trying to cheer you up, to make you forget about Sirius Black but his only option was to talk about George and ask you what had happened back at the Shrieking Shack. He already knew what he got into, he already knew he would suffer your rambling on how you hated him and he hated you. And so you did. But you also explained, to great surprise of your best friend, the incident of the near kiss.

    'YOU'RE JOCKING !' He almost shouted.

    You pressed a finger on your lips, pushing him for his voice echoed in the hall widely. Professor Sinistra shot you a look that meant "silence". But Cedric couldn't care less, he was too shocked and amused and confused by the news.

    'OH c'mon ! Why do you refuse to see he is into you.'

    'Because he is not !' You hissed to your best friend who spoke too loudly in your opinion. 'It can't be Cedric. We never- he never- I never- oh ya' know !' You said exasperated.

    You crossed your arms, Cedric had nothing to say to you anymore because he knew even the best arguments could not bring you to just imagined this scenario.

    'Well at least, recognize Fred's been flirting with you.' He puffed.

    You rolled your eyes, that was another subject.

    'I'm telling you, the universe is mad at me for some reason.'

    'Yeah, he sent you two boys all over heels over you, not mentioning a lot more that you've been rejecting for years. But yes, mad is the correct word.' Said Cedric ironically.

    You shot a sharp look at him. It was not funny and you never asked for all this in the first place. Well of course it was nice to have boys liked you, you would not say the contrary, but as for George and Fred, this was a real pain in the arse. You would have preferred to stay long time ennemies than being in the middle of some confused and unsettled relationship. You shrugged that thought, relationship was no word to describe the mere threads that linked Fred, George and you. You merely tolerated each other. Yes, you had grown closer to Fred but 'friends' was inimaginable.

    Thinking of Fred made you remember the headphone share on the way to the catsle. He had been really interested by the music you listened. You loved music, and only talked of that matter with Cedric. Having to talk to someone else about your tastes, having someone to teach muggle music was nice. You blushed slightly, still the eyebrows frowned.

    After some time you were told to go to sleep and so other prefects took your turns. You waved Cedric good night and walked to your sleeping bag, between Angelina and some tall girl you did not recognized.

    Just when you lied in, you saw movement at your left and a "psst" resounded very, very, slightly.   Seems like the tall girl was calling you. You turned to face her in a swift movement. Fred's head was looking at you.

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