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The sun was out, the sky a bright blue, spring had settled itself on the grounds of Hogwarts and intended to stay for a bit.

A sweet scent of rain and grass was floating all around the lands that surrounded the castle. You were reading with Cedric on your lap in a valley next to Hogsmeade, and nothing felt better than this calm and quiet nature. You could hear the slow course of water a couple meters down the top of the little hill you two were one. Alone. Far away from the fuss of student's hormonal excitement about an hypothetical love triangle between Fred, George and yourself. Yes, they were rumors spreading at Hogwarts, for some reason people thought you were sleeping with both Weasley. Godric's sake, you would never. Not that your ego of having all this attention suffered, quite the opposite. But still, was there anything other than romance in the life of a teenage student ?

Fred hadn't find out about the sleeping but George knew about the kissing because of your mistake. Now he was completely mad about it and refused to speak to you, nor to look at you, nor to be in the same room as you. Which to Fred was just a way to show his hurt feelings towards his own betrayal. In his mind George was mad because you three had a "hate" dynamic and now, all of this was over because Fred was trying to get you to be his girlfriend. It was far from Fred's mind that his brother had also a huge crush on you.

'After school I'll be working as an Auror.' said Cedric snapping you out of your thoughts.

You closed your book.

'No you won't. It's too dangerous.'you argued.

' What will you be then ?'

'Minister of course.' You confidently said going in your book once more.

Cedric rose up and looked at you with a huge smile, his eyes shined with an evil, playful light.

'You can't. You are woman.'

You frowned but laughed and pushed him away.

'You sexist ! I WILL be the next Minister of Magic !'

Cedric brung you into his fall as you rolled on the ground. You rolled and rolled and rolled until you reached softly the little river down the hill, a couple of meters down. He brung you into the water, throwing you over his shoulder and let you fall in the cold river. You weren't please at all, but couldn't hold your smile and laughter. You were like children on a summer break, playing and splashing each other. When out of breath you finally called a break and a truce, you stepped out of the water.

'Wanna see a spell I invented ?' you asked.

'You invented a spell ?' he asked genuinely impressed.

'Working on it.'

You drew out your wand and stepped at the edges of the river, clothes damped in water. Cedric was still standing in the course of water, looking at you. Your eyes told him to stepped behind you because your spell included what he was stepping into.

'Oh !' he said before rushing to hide behind you.'
He now looked at you and you felt quite embarrassed. Just a bit. 'Blimey Y/n ! Just catch the spell.'

'All-all right ! Just-... DON'T stress me out like that.'

Cedric flattened his hands in the air.

'What did I do wrong ? Breath air ?'

'You could have.' You said with disdain.

'Aqua volu ! ' you spoke out loud.

The water before you stood still for a second and then began to swirl slowly. A very tiny vortex appeared and grew to the size of a foot. Then it stopped. You looked rather proud of yourself. Usually it could become bigger the more still was the water.

Pranks and Perks (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now