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It wasn't until Wednesday that you heard from Professor Lupin about your assignment with the twins. You were having breakfast when your golden brown owl, Merry, had dropped his letter on your lap. Fred and George had received the exact same one, which had bothered you a little, and you three had looked each other like wolves in a hunt. He stated that a Boggart had appeared somewhere in the castle and that you three were intended to find it. When you eventually would, you were expected to come see him in his office so that he would give you the next task. If ever you were to fight or argue he would know for he had told you that he had placed eyes around everywhere near the Boggart. He expected you not to do so or else he would assign you to even more work on the week. With the pressure of the O.W.Ls coming you had not a choice but to cooperate, at least that was your vision.
With little to no time you had intended the boys to meet you back in the Great Hall during lunch break so that you could take care of the Boggart. They didn't looked pleased but they didn't opposed to it. You were now turning your back to them, walking out of the room when Fred shouted to you.

'See you later pumpkin.'

You turned in a snap towards him and he blew you a kiss. George looked much displeased b his brother's attitude. You didn't noted it as opposed to Angelina gasped and grabbed on both pf her side Lee and Alicia's forearms. The three of them shocked looked at the twins and whispered but nobody paid attention.

You pulled at your wand and in a furious twirl made Fred fall from his seat in confusion.

'Confundo !' You said sharply.

Everyone Arun laughed at him, he looked very pissed at you yet he smirked. You stormed out of the Great Hall haughtily and headed to your first lesson of the day. Cedric met you at the bottom of the stairs, he was beaming at you, surely he was excited for the beginning of the Quidditch season. You grinned at him, his sight always cheered you up.

'There's the Queen of Hearts !' He sang.

'Stop it.' You frowned at him.

He laughed then wrapped an arm on your shoulder. This surname was Cedric's invention since you had read to him Alice in Wonderland back in first year. Your authority and hot temper had led him to name you after the villain of the story. You laughed about it usually, but today wasn't a good day ; you told Cedric about Lupin's letter. He teased you about him saying you were still enamored with your Professor, to which you answered by shoving your elbow in his ribs. He explained you that this was the reason of your surname, you're too violent. But you agreed on that.


Lunch break arrived quicker than you had seen it coming. After a quick sandwich you met with George and Fred who arrived late, crumbs of bread on their robes. You rolled your eyes, weren't they hopeless. You huffed before you headed all three to the staff room, where you were supposed to search for the Boggart. Since it was lunch, there was no teacher in the room when you pushed apprehensively the door. The twins looked at you being all cautious, surely in case there was a teacher in there, and bursted open the door when you took too long in their mind.

'You could have disturbed someone ! A teacher.'You said eyes widened.

'Oh my golden snitch, could you be more of a boot-licker !' Said George annoyed to your surprise.

Usually it was always Fred who insulted you first. George always went along after that. But he rarely, if never, investigate the fights. Not that he wasn't the mind of the duo, not at all, you found George had more wit than Fred ; but George wasn't violent except on the Quidditch pitch. You stood a bit abashed from his words but ignored it afterwards. You fought back the insults which fused in your mind because you knew Professor Lupin was watching somewhere. At this thought you arranged your hair a little before walking into the long, panelled room. You took a look around amazed and feeling the teachers presence even if they were not there.

Pranks and Perks (Weasley Twins x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant