Ch 22: The Kiss

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Hermione sighed as she looked yet again at her wrist watch.

7:33 p.m. 

'Where is Ginny? She was supposed to be here 20 mins ago!'she thought as she stomped her feet impatiently .If there was one flaw she had, it was crude impatience. God knows how she had succeeded in making the Polyjuice Potion back in 2nd year. Well maybe because it was probably a life or death situation.

She was about to head off towards the opposite direction when she heard footsteps approaching her.

2 sets of footsteps. That's weird. Ginny didn't mention bringing a friend with her.

She turned around and saw Draco and Sylvia walking up the stairs.

Her face paled and she stood there like a frozen statue. Something inside of her turned and twisted at the sound of their echoing laughter.

Her eyes followed them as they walked up to her. They both stopped when they saw Hermione, standing there stonily, in front of them.

Hermione couldn't dare to meet Draco's ever-familiar eyes .So she found herself into Sylvia's electrifying blue irises. The Slytherin's pupils dilated as something like understanding passed through them.

"Uh..Draco ,I'll leave you now...I promised that I would meet Theo at the Three Broomsticks for a drink or two .He was rather keen to ask me something,"Sylvia gushed out hurriedly as she threw a quick glance at Draco ,who was trying extremely hard not to disintegrate on the spot.

"Good luck,"she muttered under her breath, so that only Draco could hear it.

She turned around and walked away quickly. Though , just as gracefully as she had come.

Draco sucked in  a breath and sent a quick prayer to the gods.

But before he could say a word ,Hermione had turned and started to walk away from him. Her head was hung low and her eyes brimming with water. Yet she held them back as she had promised not to cry in front of him.

A large hand gripped her slender wrist gently .All agony expressed through that single fleeting touch.


Maybe it was the longing tone of that one damned word or maybe it was the shameless way her heart clenched and writhed when she heard his voice again .But she stayed.

"Hermione I'm so goddamn sorry,"Draco said quietly as he carefully turned Hermione around to face him.


"Sorry for calling me a mudblood ?Sorry was humiliating and embarrassing me? Why are you sorry Malfoy? You've done so since the moment we met .I don't suppose anything's changed now ,has it? I'm still the ugly know-it-all mudblood,"Hermione asked haughtily, tears prickling in her eyes.

"Please don't say that Hermione .I-I didn't mean to say all that. Believe me ,I had my reasons,"Draco whispered, ashamed of himself.

Hermione scoffed."And may I pray ask what reasons are they?"

Draco flinched at the tone of her voice. But he supposed he deserved it anyway. But it'll all be okay. Once she would understand the situation they were in, she would definitely agree with him and end whatever they had between them ,for the better .For her protection.

He was doing it all for her.

"My father had some cronies working for him, around here .And once news about us ,reached to him, he personally sent me a letter from his rotting cell from goddamn Azkaban threatening kill you if I didn't stay away from you Hermione. I did it all for you,"Draco said breathily. The last few words almost gone with the wind.

Hermione wasn't crying anymore .She was staring at him dumbfounded.

Suddenly, she grew livid and punched him in the nose.

Yup, just like 3rd year.

"Are you fucking crazy Malfoy?"she shouted, as Draco lay on the ground, eyes widened at her outburst.

"What are you doing Granger!"Malfoy rubbed his nose vigorously as he shrieked, splattered on the ground.

"You seriously think that you can solve this problem on your own? I was the brains of The Golden Trio! We wouldn't even be here fighting if weren't for me! How dare you underestimate me! You think that I cannot protect myself? What is wrong with you? I thought that you were supposed to be smart!"Hermione kept on shouting, her screams echoing throughout the hall.

"Hermione, I was just trying to protect you from harm! I didn't underestimate you or anything!"Draco shouted back, anger hardly in control. He stood upto face the equally wrathful witch.

"Why the hell were you trying to protect me? We could've solved this together and we wouldn't have to go through such an emotional ordeal!"Hermione asked as her scorching breath mingled with Draco's peppermint scent, his gaze intensely on her , and her alone.

"Why? Because I fricking love you!"Draco shouted.

But then he dazed out of his stance and started stammering like an idiot.
"I-I mean"

Hermione's lips crashed upon his and before they could retreat, Draco met her with an equally longing force. Their lips moved in perfect sync ,in breathless harmony .As if they were made for each other. It was as if they had finally found their missing puzzle piece. And oh boy , did it feel heavenly.

All the desire, anger, hurt, sorrow ,lust ,love they had felt since Day One melted right into that kiss .And neither failed to deliver. Hermione grasped hold oh his soft blonde strands and tugged slightly at them .Draco pushed his tongue in , seeking entry. Hermione obliged gratefully .As he tugged on her lower lip, she let out a moan. They broke apart to catch up on their long-forgotten breaths.

"You.Are.So.Stupid,"Hermione gasped as she breathed in heavily.

"Does that mean my feelings are requited?"Draco asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Definitely,"Hermione looked at him ,with a shy smile.

Oh gods, how long had they been waiting for this magical moment?

All of a sudden, there were a series of creeks and groans , and Blaise and Ginny ended up falling out of the broom cupboard, onto the floor. Ginny landed on top of Blaise as he welped, holding on for his dear life.

"Oh my god!"Draco and Hermione shrieked instantaneously.

"Were you two in that broom cupboard?"Draco asked incredulously.

"Wait...did you plan this thing out together?"Hermione asked, frowning.

Ginny and Blaise cleared their throats and stood up.

"Oh shut up you two! If it wasn't for us, you two would've been in misery forever!"Ginny threw them an irritated look.

Blaise matched her expression perfectly."Yeah! If anything you should be grateful to us!"

Hermione and Draco looked at each other with a look that said,'I'm so dam exasperated with them'

Hermione suddenly let out a whelp as Draco picked her up.

"Draco! Put me down!"She cried, her laughter deafening all of them in bliss.

"Shut your pretty mouth Princess. I've still got to pay you back for that punch now ,haven't I?"Draco smirked his infamous smirk, which always seemed to land him in trouble. Yet this time, the trouble was a welcome abode. Hermione's face grew as red as Ginny's hair."I-I"

Blaise and Ginny watched them head off to their dorm room.

"Not even a word of thanks,"Ginny huffed as she and Blaise walked off to the grounds for a walk under the calm serenity of the moon.

Professor McGonagall smiled triumphantly from the corner of the room she was standing in, disguised as a Scottish fold. Operation' Roommates' was finally successful.

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