Ch 6: Things Change

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" What the hell do you- Oh Weaslette. Oi Granger! Your lesbian friend is here. Now leave me alone so that I can start dressing- it's your goddamn friend Potter who wanted to talk to me at Hogsmeade-not me. So allow me to look my best in case I die today."

Draco glared at Ginny who swiftly allowed herself in- walking over to Hermione, who much to her amusement , was merely in a towel.

"Hermione- you know that Drakey poo still has your clothes right?",the redhead asked a fuming brunette, who kept cursing loudly.

"You evil shitty little cockroach! Give me my clothes back!"

"Fine Gryffindork. Just for now. We'll see when we come back", Draco smirked, gathered his clothes and went off to Blaise's where he could get some peace and quiet.

"So Miss Gryffindork, care to explain ? You know for a month, you two are pretty chummy. I don't think it'll be long before we hear about little minions in here- will we huh?"Ginny smirked, obviously adoring her best friend's reaction.

"Seriously Gin, wipe that stupid smirk off your face. It only looks good on Mal-oh god. Fuck this",Hermione facepalmed , if possible, growing even redder in the face.

"You look so beautiful in white.."Ginny singsonged as they walked out of the room together to admire the gorgeous white snowflakes as they fell softly to the ground. Most of the Black Lake was frozen-gleaming in the delicate rays of sunshine.

November was always the best month- the studies were considerably lessened by the teachers so that the students could get some relief. But it was of course for all the pressure buildup before the Newts.

And of course Hermione didn't want to waste a single moment not studying . So she skipped down to the bench just beneath the newly planted cherry blossom tree on the grounds as a tribute to Professor Dumbledore , the Charms book in hand.

Many students used to come here and just stare at the falling pink petals, lost in their own thoughts. They had all lost millions of dear ones in the war, and each petal reminded them of a wonderful memory with them.

Hermione and Ginny sat down on the bench, side to side, feeling the cool breeze blow by. They had all grown up. They were forced to. The Professors had reunited them, given them a chance to reunite for their last year at Hogwarts-their heart ,their home.

Hermione thought to herself how she and Malfoy had changed ever since the implementation of the House Fraternity Law. Sure, the latter was as cocky as ever, but he seemed greatly changed, mature and wise and not to mention deeply apologetic for his past mistakes. Oh well, the war did change people-didn't it? But she couldn't help grinning proudly as she heard her subconsciousness yelling to her , her halfmoon specs over her head(A/N: Fifty Shades of Grey Reference) that she was the reason why. Blushing, she pushed her thoughts away and entered real life.

"Oh my god !Is stupid arse of a brother....forget it Hermi-",Ginny hadn't even finished yet when she caught sight of that.

And oh boy, did she see red.

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