Ch 13: Is this the End?

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And that's how it happened.

That's how Draco Malfoy ended up pinning Hermione Granger to the wall once they got back inside their room, from their day out at Hogsmeade.

"The sexual tension between you two is palpable,"Luna had calmly said, while beer went down the wrong pipe of the two idiots.

Okay, certainly not this palpable.

"So Theo is the handsomest among us,huh?"Malfoy asked haughtily as he locked the door behind him. Safety measures.

"I only said that because Theo is extremely chill about everything and doesn't have a girlfriend!"Hermione whisper-shouted and huffed out an indignant sigh.
"And he is pretty good-looking."Hermione smirked, obviously enjoying the show.


"Even more than me?"Draco asked as he drew closer to the shaking brunette.

"That is an entirely different question Malfoy, and if I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous!"Hermione raised one of her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side.

The air around them grew tenser and Draco's face was contorted with fury. But it didn't seem like it was directed at her. He seemed to be more angry at...himself?

(A/N: I'm genuinely sorry)

"Jealous my arse Granger. You know with this running around holding McLaggen's hand thing, you've been abandoning your duties too. You should thank me for saving your sorry arse in front of McGonagall. I was just enquiring if Theo is your new target or something. Now that you know, you have established yourself to not being capable of defending yourself from men."Draco snarled, each word like an arrow aimed for Hermione's soft, innocent heart.

"Malfoy that's en-"

"I am not jealous Granger. I'm just looking out for my friend. So that he doesn't get dumped by a mudblood, who ironically, has dumped  a blood traitor before."Draco's eyes flashed with anger, hurt, and something Hermione couldn't pinpoint, because her eyes had burst out from the hot tears, clinging  her cheeks.

Warning: Abuse

She couldn't do anything. She could barely stand still. She didn't recognize him anymore. Her world began dizzying. So she ran. She ran away as fast as she could. She couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't look back once , as it hit her at lightning speed. All the nights she has stayed up late ,thinking about the wounds and gashes on her body. All the marks Ron had imprinted on the delicate frame of her body. How she had never told anyone this before. How she had to give in the world's effort to slowly recover from the trauma of it, piece by piece. She had just wanted to enjoy the last year of Hogwarts-her school, her home. And when she met Dra-Malfoy,she had hoped that that year would be different. After all of her sufferings, she would find some peace and calm. She hadn't hesitated to give him a second chance. But after hearing him call her a mudblood again, her walls broke. Her past wounds seemed to itch and her body seemed to ache. But what scared her more, was her bleeding heart.

So she cried an ocean ,and cried, and cried,  and cried.

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