Ch 17: I Need You

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"Oh my god! Did you see the new girl Riley? She is so pretty !I absolutely have to talk to her",a seventh-year Ravenclaw gushed as she walked into Charms, in tow with a petite Hufflepuff girl.

"I did and she is so cool! I heard that her mother owns about half of the designer boutiques in Paris-the fashion city of the Muggle World. She is so fetch!",the Hufflepuff almost squealed in excitement.

Ginny scoffed and rolled her eyes, as she gripped her bag tighter, walking into the classroom  herself.

If she heard that chick's name once more, she would start to puke vehemently .

But who could blame her when her own boyfriend was so invested in that newbie. Even her brother couldn't stop staring at her all day .And he had a girlfriend.

Really ,now Ginny understood why Hermione had broken up with him. He had even gone to the extent of begging her for an autograph, being the little sister of his favorite player on Chudley Canons and all.

She sighed and plopped down on the empty seat closest to her.

"Hello there Red."

Oh, holy crud. This was supposed to be a FRIDAY for Merlin's sake. And of course, Blaise Zabini had to do something about it.

"Don't call me that. Extremely not a pleasure to see a cockroach crawling up my behind on this marvelous day now, mentioned cockroach."Ginny herself flushed while saying this.

An insult upgradation was also in due. But she supposed her Bat-Bogey hex could fill in for a while. She really wasn't in the mood for a software update and neither had the energy for it.

There was enough going on with her best-friend's ever depressing love life and she certainly didn't need to add any more drama to it. Speaking of which..

Ginny turned to face the dark-skinned wizard seated beside her. He had cut his hair ,now more closely cropped and neat and oh gods, she hated to admit it, but hot as hell.

'Okay now is not the time you imbecile insects,'she muttered, an insult directed at her stomach, which just wouldn't behave

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'Okay now is not the time you imbecile insects,'she muttered, an insult directed at her stomach, which just wouldn't behave.

She shooed her thoughts away and grew serious.

"Blaise, I wanted to talk about Hermione and Malfoy.I-"she was cut off mid-sentence as Blaise looked at her and sighed.

"We should. Listen Red, they are the stupidest people I know and they belong together. But the thing is that that won't happen if they don't get a push, i.e. if we, aka the pushers don't work on it.

"But it was all fine until last Sunday. Then , all of a sudden Hermione came crying to me and wouldn't really tell me anything. After hearing about the gist of it from Nott ,I felt so disappointed in Malfoy. I can't believe that I'm going to say this ,but I had at least some expectations from him. So you better explain everything to me Zabini, or you'll get to see firsthand why I'm so famous as a war heroine .

Blaise visibly gulped. He really did.

"Um..okay. Calm down Red.I-I'll tell you everything"

And so he did, without missing a single point for the sake of his head being intact.

He expected her to kill him downright then and there for even allowing Draco to do that,but she didn't. Oh, thank the gods.

She stayed silent, which scared him even more.

A minute gone.

5 minutes gone.

10 minutes gone.

Professor Flitwick kept rambling down and Zabini kept sweating his pants off.

"If you don't say something right now Red, I'm going to go in a coma."

"Not so soon Zabini .I need you,"Ginny said ,a growing smirk on her face.

"Excuse me?"Blaise squeaked as his eyes went as wide as saucers.

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