Ch 15:Tainted confessions

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Theo couldn't think straight as he raced up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower, yearning for fresh air .As he reached the top, his world froze.

Hermione Granger was standing on the edge of the balcony. Her face was tear-stricken and her hair disheveled. But her eyes, oh her eyes displayed so many emotions at once, that it seemed that she was impassive. Theo's heart pained to see the love of his life in such a condition. But what shocked him to the core of his being, was when she looked down at the ground, and smiled.

But it wasn't a smile of happiness, or embarrassment, it was a smile of surrender, of long-awaited rest and peace. She looked up once and said,"I love you Mum and Dad."

Then she jumped.

Theo's eyes widened and his heart pounded. His limbs were frozen. But he managed to pull out his wand and scream 'Levicorpus!' just in time.

Just in time.

Hermione screamed up in agony once again, as she was swept up to him."Let me die! For fuck's sake ,just let me die! Make this torment end!"She kept screaming and crying as Theo wrapped his arms around her. They were both crying now.

"Hermione don't say that. Please .You don't even know what I felt like when I saw you take that step on thin air. Please understand my pain and don't cry darling. This isn't worth it."

"I-I can't take it anymore Theo, I can't. He was the last straw."

"Hermione, it's always the last straw that saves us. And Draco did have his reasons for saying those things to you. I am a million and more percent sure that he didn't mean a word of it."

Theo closed his eyes and picked Hermione up bridal-style and made his way down to the dorm rooms.

"He loves you Hermione. He really does. I have never seen him like this in my entire life and oh boy, do I know him well. It's just that he has too big of a head to actually say it out loud .And in spite of this whole 'roommates' thingy Hogwarts has started ,there will still remain prejudices in society Hermione .And I know that Draco doesn't believe in them, but some of the world still does.
Remember your own worth Granger. Remember your parents' faces when they look at you with love, with admiration ,with awe, with pride at the little girl that they brought into this world .Remember that your parents absolutely love you to the end of the world .Remember that you're Hermione Jean fucking Granger and that you can take this world universe on with your bare hands."

Theo opened the door to Blaise and Ginny's room .Luckily, there was no one inside. He gently placed Hermione on the bed, who was now fast asleep tired from all the drama.

"And remember that I always have and will love you no matter what."

Theo brushed his lips on her forehead in a gentle manner and went away to inform Ginny about her best friend, closing the door softly behind him, carefully not to wake her up.

Little did he know, she had heard him.

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