Ch 8: Oh no.

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"Please Potter-the whole school knows that I can beat your sorry ass at Quidditch anytime I want. You know what, how about a match-"Draco Malfoy was boasting gleefully to his newly found mate-Saint Pottah as they walked into the dormitory.

It had been a pleasant day at Hogsmeade to say the least. Because most of it had been contributed to butterbeer, firewhisky and quidditch talk. What else does a guy need?

To Draco's surprise, he found himself talking about his dorm mate with Harry on multiple occasions. The War Hero took him by surprise when he gave his blessing to a  blushing ferret.

"Honestly Potter-you're no better than Zabini ....I'm surrounded by idiots."Draco had said and indignantly huffed at that. Now that he was furnished in the warmth of the common room fire, he couldn't help but feel like a great burden was off his chest though- to have conquered his trust. But the relief was short lived as Draco scanned the crowd for the caramel orbs or the wavy brown hair he had come to adore now.

As if by clockwork, Ginny noticed them and walked up to them. She seemed to read the expression on Draco's pale face as she quickly said,"Astronomy Tower- be discreet and quiet .Good luck. I failed miserably."

Draco did not lose a moment as he honestly fled to his destination-his heart stopping as he caught sight of the tear-stained face and the bottle of firewhisky tightly wrapped in her hand. Her head was resting on the pillar and she was slightly shivering as the chilly gusts of wind hit her face.

Draco walked up to her and sat down beside the brunette, as she made an effort to wipe away her tears, seeing him. He took off his coat and wrapped her in it, satisfied to see her sigh in relief.

"Lightweight-are you Granger? I was in Hogsmeade drinking beer all day and here you are-all solemn after not even a full bottle." Draco tutted shaking his head in a mocking manner.

"Have you come to tell me how much of a loser I am or how it's nothing and I'm just overreacting because I'm dramatic or how even I, the 'Brain of the Golden trio' failed to keep a boy in my 'clutches?' Which one is-"Hermione didn't even get to finish as they boy clamped his hand over her mouth and got dangerously closer to her face, their breaths mingling with each other's."Shut up Princess, I'm here to enjoy the view, not comment on your actions. Oh and by the way-"he smirked as he moved his hand to push a stray curl behind her ear, "lovely view.'

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your goddamn face or I'll-"Hermione snarled, her cheeks suddenly red.

"Or you'll what?"Draco challenged, tilting his face.

A moment of silence.

"Or I'll turn you into a scampering ferret" Hermione grinned, glad that her tears were finally dry.

Draco groaned .But nevertheless said,"Now quickly tell me what in rutting hell made warrior princess hole up in the astronomy tower before I make you strip and swim in the Black Lake till you freeze up."

Hermione let out a sigh and looked at the Slytherin wearily .She plopped her head down in Draco's lap and laid there.

"I'm tired Malfoy-I'm so fricking tired. I don't want to be the good girl anymore. I don't want to be someone who falls in love so easily-who trusts people blindly, who forgives everyone ever so willingly. And what do I get in return, huh? To have the sweater that I made for my ex-boyfriend staying awake day and night to be worn by his new conquest ? The girl, who mispronounces his name and will do anything to get laid by anyone, anytime? Honestly-this sucks. Everywhere I like-people are enjoying life, after the war. They stay awake, drinking alcohol  ,partying, vacationing with their friends, sneaking off to Hogsmeade on weekdays-Merlin knows what. And here I am, the ever goody two shoes-completing all her assignments on time, being responsible as the Head Girl , 'the brains of the Golden Trio;,ugh...I want something wild right now...I want...I want..."

She glanced at Draco, who tried his best to hide the growing smirk on his face, in spite of the hardness he felt where Hermione had kept her head, in his lap. He wanted to applaud the Gryffindor for the most honest emotional outburst ever. But decided against it, as he got a mental image sent by his brain , of his voice sounding like a ferret's.

"So-what do you want Granger? A make out session with McLaggen or a tonic from the Weasley's joke shop to make Brown's hair green?"he laughed as he patted the brunette's head.

Hermione suddenly shot up, her eyes twinkling and a wicked smile on her face.

"Oh no."

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