Ch 20: Yet Another One Sided Love

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Narcissa smiled again.

Theo's eyes were now as wide as saucers.


"And before I hit the ground, a pair of strong arms gripped my waist .And when I opened my eyes Theo, I fell in love .I fell in love with those gorgeous hazel eyes, those unruly curls of dark black hair ,those annoyingly cute dimples and that mischievous smile he always had plastered across his goddamn face."


"I fell in love with James Potter, Theo. The hero of the school .But long story short ,he fell in love with our sweetheart Lily Evans and my heart was crushed into blistering barnacles .So, what I'm trying to say dear , is that Cupid is evil. If you've got to move on ,fall in love with the memories , not the person .I've passed my era , but you're young Theo .Who knows? Maybe you haven't even properly met her yet? Or him, if you're into your oblivious kind."

Theo fell silent. Truly. James FRICKING Potter. Oh my god! When did the world get so twisted?

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. I'll contact Lawrence and tell him to withdraw his daughter from Hogwarts immediately .God, how stupid could he be to sway to Lucius's wishes?"

"NO!I mean-uh-well,do you really need to make Sylvia go away? She's not like those mean girls in muggle movies, Cissy. She's...quite amiable .And Draco is not like that, you know. He really loves Hermione "

Narcissa raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Why, may I ask, are you smirking?"Theo shot her a deadpan glare.

"Oh. No reason."Narcissa examined her nails, before getting up."Oh! Don't look so grumpy and flustered !I'll see you all at the Christmas Ball. Clean up well ,Theodore."

"Yes yes. But you can't always get away with teasing me with your fancy balls and stuff, Cissy."

Narcissa's laugh could be heard all the way from the exit of the shop. She turned back and once and winked at Theo.
"Oh and bring a date!"

The other customers looked at Theo quizzically as he groaned.

When would that woman stop playing matchmaker? Well, not until she's got grandkids she can completely divert her attention to.

Theo left the shop and raced up the streets of Hogsmeade. He could only pray to not get lost again .He seemed to be quite calm despite of all the messes he was in , though. Hmph, weird.

But a name seemed to run across his mind from time to time. He tried to ignore the little voices in his head, but oh well...he examined her name as it rolled off his tongue in a graceful manner.
"Sylvia Stone"

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