Ch 16: The New Girl

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Draco looked up from the uneaten piece of toast on his plate at the breakfast table to see Hermione Granger timidly walk into the Great Hall.

But it wasn't....Hermione Granger.

It was just a girl, who had fallen prey to the sinful lust of love. There was no sign of life in her eyes. She walked like the living dead and her face looked puffy due to crying all night and day long.

No change whatsoever for six days.

He felt a mountain of guilt rushing all over him

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He felt a mountain of guilt rushing all over him. Surely he couldn't have been the one to make his princess feel like this?

"Oh boy, but it was you, wasn't it?"Theo snarled and looked at him with a grim expression, as if he had read aloud his thoughts.

The whole air of the Slytherin table changed. Blaise, Pansy, Leo and Theo, who couldn't shut up about the stupidest of things, now had nothing to say.

The Gryffindor sat down at the table, close to Ginny, who enveloped her in a bear hug and murmured something in her hear, which Hermione sighed at and shook her head to. Ginny scowled and rolled her eyes, throwing a nasty glare at Draco.

Hermione allowed herself a moment of defeat as she swept her eyes to the Slytherin table. The frantic search ended when her warm, chocolate brown orbs met with his dazzling, silver ones. Thunder seemed to clap between the two. A thousand and more unsaid words.

Hermione's heart ached to even think about it. Surely, hurting her wasn't his ulterior motive?   Then, why, oh why had he said the things he said? For Merlin's sake, the doofus's unsaid reason was driving her crazy.

She looked away, but found herself peering into a pair of emerald green eyes.


Oh lord. Who would've thought that Theodore Nott of all people was in love with Hermione Granger? She chastised herself for playing with his emotions. Moreover, she couldn't thank him enough for what he had done the other day. Had it not been for him....God, what was she thinking?

Sure, Theo was handsome and smart and cute and charming...but. But. Oh god ,she hated herself for the but reason.

He wasn't Draco fricking Malfoy.

Nevertheless she smiled warmly at him. A silent 'thank you' was offered.

Theo smiled back and sighed, breaking eye contact with her.

Professor McGonagall was about to make a speech. She straightened her robes and clinked her glass.

Theo got up, crouching low and snuck out of the Great Hall. He had places to be at.

"Students ,I would like you to welcome a new student in eighth year or the repeating seventh years, as we recall them. Ms. Sylvia Stone!"

Out walked a magnificently built, tall witch. Her gorgeous shiny, dirty blonde hair billowing behind her as she walked up to the front of the hall with utmost grace , only to stop and drape beautifully around her shoulders, up to her chest as she came to a halt.

Her swanlike neck folded as she bowed to all the students and the professors. Her eyes were long and slender, yet eager to know.

She flashed them all her megawatt smile, which could've made the front cover of Witch Weekly 69 times in a row. All little dimples showing.

"Hello to all of my fellow classmates and my adorable and lovely juniors

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"Hello to all of my fellow classmates and my adorable and lovely juniors. I'm Sylvia. I've been homeschooled since as long as I can remember. But I really wanted to feel the magic of Hogwarts at least once in a lifetime .So I kind of persuaded my father to let me attend this wonderful academy. I hope we can all become really good friends .Now let me scurry off, as I'm horrible at speeches and stuff."

She smiled again and walked to a chair and put the Sorting Hat on top of her head, as instructed by Professor McGonagall. She seemed to be quite taken by the new girl.

The Sorting Hat yawned and came alive, set in a crooked, lazy smile.

"Well, well, well...a charming one indeed. We'll have fun with you.

Everyone broke into applause as Sylvia beamed and made her way to the Slytherin Table.

"Hello there people ! Mind if I sit here?"Sylvia asked.

When no one replied, except Pansy who merely nodded to the empty seat beside her, she frowned and sat down quietly.

'Did I do something?'she asked herself.

They all looked at each other, with an unreadable expression .Draco looked irritated and Blaise grim. He stabbed into his omelet a bit too hard, and quickly muttered a 'sorry'.Leo and Pansy tried to stay neutral, but failed miserably.

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